Sunday, December 13, 2009

Signs You're Dating A 'Douche'

I recently went on a 'date' And it's been a while since I've gone on an actual date. But let me tell you this, I still haven't lost the ability to spot a douche when I see one. Especially one that put himself on display such as this guy did. So from this 'date' I've compiled a list of signs that this guy is going to be a complete douche and reasons why you should break 'it' off as soon as possible. Even before the acutal date: 1. He asks you where you want to go, but the place you picked isn't up to his standards, so he eventually chooses the destination. 2. You work third shift the night before and ask if you can maybe change the time that you were supposed to meet up, but that doesnt work for him. So you have to stick with the time picked out before, and go on this date looking like shit and feeling even worse. 3. He tells you the place he's picked out is somewhere he's worked before. ( Keep in mind for further reference that he must know what's on the menu) 4. You have to pick him up to go on this 'date' Date time: 5. He doesn't open the door for you. 6. You told him before you even planned this date, that you're a vegetarian and DO NOT eat milk or eggs either. You look at the menu and realize you can order toast, and hashbrowns, and water... Yum. (keep in mind he used to work here, so had to have had some knowledge of the menu) 7. He doesn't smile. Not even once. 8. Conversation is pretty one sided, and that one side happens to be, your side. 9. Awkward silence. A lot of awkward silence. (He does pay for the 10$ tab though. Hurray) Now before going out in the first place you had decided that after breakfast you were going to go back to your place and just hang out and watch a movie. No big deal right? Post date: 10. You have to go back to your place because he lives with his parents. 11. He asks to put his arm around you. (my response: no) 12. He asks if you want to lay down with him on your couch. (response in my head: WTF!?!?! Is this guy serious?! My verbal response: Um. No) 13. He leaves mid movie to smoke a cigarette. (yuck) 14. He walks home. Now. After this date I came to realize that I do not want to go out on another date with this guy. At this point I'm thinking, sure maybe we can be friends. But I know I want nothing more than that. Okay. I've came to this conclusion in my head. Post Post Date: 15. I get about 8 texts from this guy periodically through the day. I didn't answer them. He calls me. I still didn't answer him. He Myspace's me, tries to add me on Facebook. Okay. I get it. This guy likes me. And in all honesty I didnt make it apparent that I was interested in him. I did let him spend 5$ on me for breakfast...But I dont think that's enough right to think we're getting married or anything. So I finally caved in and told him that I didn't want to lead him on and I wasn't interested in dating or anything. He got pissed and came back with # 16. 'What so you flirt with all your friends like that?' O M G?!? Yes sometimes my friends buy me breakfast and yes sometimes we watch movies together. AND yes I don't let them put their arms around me and cuddle. Sorry. Get. Over. Yourself. 17. He then proceeds to tell me to lose his number. Consider it done. And I spoke with a few other people (after the date) who know this dude....Supposedly 18.He's tried to get in a lot of girl's pants. Maybe he's just pissed because I wasn't one of them? Oh well. =]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

moral dilemma::being the 'other girl'

I think everyone has liked a boy, who has had a girlfriend. Or sometimes, you just so happen to start seeing a guy who has a girlfriend. Sometimes it works out in your favor, other times, not so much. But while you're sneaking around with that guy do you ever think about things? Or even if you happen to be that 'other girl' do you ever wonder? I have some questions that I have pondered, while on the job.
  • If his girlfriend honestly doesn't make him happy, why can't he be honest and tell her?
  • Why is it, when 2 girls find out they happen to be sharing a boyfriend, why do they get pissed at each other?
  • How would you feel if you were the girlfriend? Isn't it a little sad to see her devotion to him, while you share good times with him?
  • Does it make you feel good that you're good enough for him, but only good enough to be the girl he sneaks around with? You're not the girl he wants to go out in public with, and introduce to his family.
  • If he complains about his girlfriend when he's with you, and you ask why he's with her, and he comes up with a lame excuse, you should probably wonder why you're with him.
  • If he does leave his girlfriend for you, Remember, If he left a girl for you, he'd leave you for another girl. And if he'd cheat on another girl with you, what's to say he wouldn't cheat on you?
  • What's the point in being 2nd choice? There are more than likely five guys you see in a day, that would make you their number one.
So, those are my thoughts. Usually they just cause more discussion in my mind. And when a guy says he wants to have sex with me, but I can't tell anyone, becuase he doesn't want his girlfriend to find out. That makes me want her to find out. So she can ditch his ass faster than I can deny him waffle-making. xo-k

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Overrated much?

This holiday season you may see all of your friends and their perfect lives with their perfect lovey dovey boyfriends. And you may feel a little jealous and envious, wishing you could have this kind of life. Hell I know that I get a little jealous of them. I think about 85% of my friends are married, engaged, seeing someone, living with someone, having a baby, buying a house, or this or that. While I'm living with myself in a studio apartment. I don't even have a cat to cuddle with. BUT. As much as I can be jealous, I'm not. Because I have my independence and freedom. I can do whatever the hell I want to, whenever the hell I want. I don't have to answer to anyone or ask their opinion. I don't have to tell them what I'm doing and where I'm going. And I don't have to worry that this person may be cheating on me or this or that. Which happens in almost every relationship nowadays. Cheating is as common as cotton panties.
So, as you're sitting home alone this holiday season, bumming. Remember things could be a lot worse. You could be blind. You could have a fake leg. You could have herpes. You could have a boyfriend. You could be illiterate. You could a lot of other things. But don't be lonely.
Get a cat if you really get that lonely. Or call up a friend with benefits. But do not play the pity party card. It's not worth it, and you're much too cool for that. xox, L

Thursday, December 3, 2009

the boys every girl has

The Good Guy-He's always there, and he'll always listen. He doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to do. In fact he's just all around good. From my experiences, he won't make a move. The Friend-He's just that a Friend. I know, I know. We have a blog about how boys and girls can't be just friends, but in all honesty they kind of can. I can't be someone you just met, it's someone you've known for ages. And he's pretty rad, I mean cooler than your own brother. You share some common interests and can partake in them. The Bad Influence/Dirty Boy-He makes you step out of your comfort zone and do things you would have never imagined doing. Naughty things, like phone sex or mailing your panties to him. You probably have nothing in common with him, other than your lust for one another, and he's a douche bag. The Totally Untouchable Crush-He works across the street, lives next door, the next office over, runs in the park the same time as you. He just won't have a thing to do with you, or any of the total vixens you work with. So you have to just be content admiring him from afar, like a total stalker. But it's ok, He makes you realize even the nicest girls don't get what they want. The One That Got Away-Of course, there will always be one boy in your life that got away. Maybe more than one. You might have pushed him away (becuase you thought he would like you enough to fight harder to keep you), or he might have just left you to always wonder "what if..." The First Love-You met him and fell for him, you changed so much for him, and you were in love. He was your whole world. But slowly that world fell apart and your burning desire to please him more or less became a desire to burn him. You still think about him, and you'll always love him, but there's a difference between being in love and loving him. The True Love-You will just know when you've met your true love. you will hate him at times, but then you'll remember how much he means to you. He's perfect, he's nice to you, your friends, small children and small animals. And you might say you hate him, but honestly your friends know different!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009


So I've come to realize that we may write about a lot of touchy subjects when it comes to this blog. And not everyone is going to agree with what we have to write. I'm okay with that. But I know that we have made some people upset with the things that we write. Which is just a matter of how you want to take things and how you choose to react. Which is not my problem and not my fault. And I don't think I should have to apologize if something is written on a personal blog, that offends you. No. I just want to clarify that I never use names and I only write from personal experience. Which I do not believe to be a bad thing. This is an advice type blog. And that's what it's meant for. So if I hurt some random guy's feelings about a True blog. Then so be it. I only think that they get so offended because they don't have their own personal blog that they can publish to the entire world. Jealousy perhaps?

Monday, November 23, 2009

the depressed vixen

I am a generally perky, happy go lucky, smiley, kind of girl. Ya know the kind that would be the cheerleader/student council president/year book editor in high school. The kind that always has a smile on her face and is always making people happy. But last night I got home and realized. I am doomed. I am 22 years old. I am single. I have cellulite. I am a virgin. All boys want from me is to take my v-card. I can either emotionally or physically connect with a man, but not in both ways. I guess it all started when I saw this girl on Friday night, who is 22 and dating a guy. She is as unfeminine as they come. In her camoflauge jacket and totally unstyled hair. And she was with a boy. Like a cute boy. And she was being a bitch to him. And I seriously felt like crap. I try, I look cute, I am fun, I am outgoing. So why do guys not want to hang out with me? All they really want is to sex it up with me. And that's only becuase I'm a virgin. So basically what I am getting at is, Maybe no matter how bad it is, I'll always have the support of my fellow vixen, Lacey. Oh and my one friend Jeff. I think as long as you wake up, and have a friend who will help you, you have it going good :) xo-K

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Experiment

The title is pretty self explanatory(this post is kind of old, but I thought I should finish it)... I've been used and abused, kicked to the curb, shot down, walked all over, etc etc. You probably get the point, right? Guys have treated me like shit before. Most guys actually. I mean I've dated a few seldom ones that havent been complete jerks. But they're a dime a dozen, and hard to find, and more often than not, I do not find them. And then, once I think I have found a decent dude, he too turns out to be a complete jerk. So... One day, well probably one night actually, I decided I was going to play this 'game' right back. Give guys a taste of their own medicine. In fact, it was one night at Marleys... So I'm dancing. I spot a cute guy. We dance. He gives me his number. I give him a ride home. He texts me the next day, says he wants to hang out. Cool, I guess. We hang out. I don't really feel a connection with him. BUT. I decide to make him my experiment. I want to know what it feels like when the tables are turned. And yeah I know how bad it hurts to be used, but damnit. I think that it needs to be done. I think every guy who has ever hurt a girl, should feel what it feels like. Should experience the heartache and whatever... So. He falls for me. So he says. He texts me all the time. I tell him what he wants to hear. But, god, he's so self confident and high on his horse. Honestly, I wish you could meet this guy and understand how cocky he is. Which makes this even better. He fueled the fire I guess, and made me want to make him understand. He would tell me about his past relationships and how he's treated other girls like shit, (I kid you not) and then he preceded to tell me that he wanted to settle down with one girl...that girl being me. Ha. Priceless. [Now, don't get me wrong, I had some feelings for this dude. I mean when he wasn't thinking he was god's gift to women, and let me tell you he did, he was decent. But that was only about 25% of the time.] ...anyway. I really made him think that he was something 'special'. Which, he wasn't. And I probably even lead him on, a little. Told him how cool I thought he was and whatever. He would ask me how I felt about him, but I never once told him that I really really liked him enough to date him. 'Cause well, I didn't.
He just assumed.
So this makes me wonder if girls are this easily convinced? Do we just assume that guys like us enough? And that's why they're hanging out with us?
I'd like to think not. I'd love to hope not.
So I was really starting to get sick of this dude. Only after about a month. His assumptions about everything were getting really annoying. But I couldn't find a way to break it off. But him being the awesome dude that he is (sarcasm), I didn't have to...One night we were driving in my car and I get a text message from him..which was weird because he was sitting next to me. And it said something along the lines of 'not being able to wait until he could perform some kind of sexual something or other to me.' BUT the text wasnt for me. haha. Busted. He was heartbroken that I wanted to stop seeing him.
Honestly dude?
Nothing like making himself look like a bigger ass then he already is/was. 'Twas perfect.
Oh, and then I seen him a month later, after totally writing him off. I hung out with him a few more times. He assumed I like him again. And then I told him he was absolutely wrong for me, and I couldn't go on seeing him, when I knew he wanted more. I couldn't find it in myself to 'break his heart' again. Well, let's just say he didn't take it so well and sat outside of my apartment door waiting for me to come out, for about 3 hours.
I didn't come out.
Point being...
I couldn't stoop as low as him.

Being 'You'

Have you ever felt like you don't fit in? Like everyone else around you just doesn't accept you? Or that you stand out like a sore thumb?
Well I don't really see what's so wrong about that. I think that nowadays it's becoming harder and harder to be your own person, to be an actual
Everyone is conforming and losing sight of who they truly are. (If you're not one of those everyone-kind-of-people, I give you kudos) And it's sad and pathetic. I mean I can sort of understnd why people conform to fit someone else's standards...maybe you're scared, maybe you're trying to fit in with some 'cool' clique at school, maybe you don't know who you really are as a person, you don't want to be judged, you're trying to win the heart of 'that boy', you're finding yourself, blah blah, etc etc.
At the same time, I think it's a load of bullshit.
But we see it happen every day. Girls lose sight of what's truly important in life and forget who they are. They change their beliefs, they ditch friends, ditch this and ditch that, become a bitch, become anaorexic, and don't give themselves enough credit, blah blah, whatever it may be.
I get it. Life is hard. But it's not like it gets any easier, and who are you really helping, by not being yourself?
I get shit all the time for my platinum blonde hair, septum piercing, recycling symbol tattoo, or whatever it may be. You have to learn to not let it bother you. Tell them to fuck off. I could really care less what anyone thinks of me. As long as I'm happy with myself, then that's all that matters =]
You only live once and you might as well live it up while you can. Do you honestly want to live under someone else's shadow and always second guess yourself? Be unhappy?
Ah, no.
BUT. No matter how much I preach to you and tell you that it's okay to be yourself, it's a lesson you have to learn on your own. And most people won't listen to such advice. But I'm going to keep telling you that it's A-okay gurrrrlllfriend. And if you lose 'friends' by being yourself, then they're not really your friends in the first place...not the kind that you want in your life anyway. Trust me.
Oh, and let me remind you that, there is life after high school/college. And it's called the REAL WORLD. It's hard, but I promise you'll get through it. You have to be a strong individual. You have to be the amazing person you truly are and do what makes you happy. Because it's your life, and you are an amazing individual. Trust me.
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The L Word

..and I don't mean Lesbian. I'm talking about this little thing called..

And what it does to us. How it makes us feel. How it can tear a person down. How it can lift a person up. The complications it entails. The tears. The smiles. And why it's so hard for a guy to say. Understand. Do. Give. Return. Show.

Oh, this could be a long blog...

I like love. You like love. Hell, we all like love. Or at least we should. So why is it so hard to show sometimes? I mean, it honestly shouldn't be such a difficult thing. In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful things we can experience in life, and yet so many people are scared of it. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever!

When I love someone, I want to show them all the time how much I care for them. But I have yet to find someone who is willing to reciprocate these feelings. And this sucks. Grrrr.

Now, when it comes to 'love' there are many different kinds of love you can experience. Well, actually I take that back. People confuse the different kindsof love ALLLLLLL the time. So maybe I should classify them first.

Lust-love: Not real love. Pure sexual and physical thoughts/attractions/feelings. Often confused with love.

Sex-love: Is sex. I want you on top of me kind of feelings. Often confused with love.

Convenient-love: You're here and I'm here and we're single at the moment. Let's not be in love now, but have 'something' until something/someone better comes along. Often goes along with lust.

Love-love: Unconditional and immense feelings for another person. You would do anything for the person you have these feelings for.

So, why is it so hard to find the love-love that soooo many people desire? Probably because people aren't patient enough to let fate work it's magic and make it happen. OR because people don't know how to love-love. They're more interested in the sex or the lust or the convenience of another person, rather than getting to know them and give love-love a chance. OR what I've came across manyatimes....

THEY'RE SCARED. That's all. The end. Scared of what you may ask?

Hell if I knew that, I would have all the answers in life. Let me ponder this...Maybe scared that other singles wouldn't find them as attractive if they actually loved someone else, maybe they're scared they'd have less sexual appeal? Well that's retarded. Scared that they could actually be happy? That's just as retarded as my first suggestion. But it may make sense...scared they could be happy enough to be in love with this one person that they may 'miss' out on other chances? I don't know.

It all seems pretty ridiculous to me. Love is love. And it should be experienced by everyone. It does not judge. It doesn't discriminate. So why can it be so difficult for someone to show their emotions of love for someone else? Ugh. This I will never know. You could be willing to give your all to someone and yet, they're not ready to do the same. So what should you do in a situation like this?

You have many options. And there are many different situations. But if the situation is pretty much black and white with not a lot of gray areas to it, (meaning youre not in an abusive 'relationship', verbal or physical, or anything of the sort) and they're just not returning the love. Then maybe you could give up. Or maybe you should continue to love this person. I mean let's be real here. You shouldn't keep giving and giving without getting. But if you LOVE this person, actually love them, then it's not an easy thing to give up.

Make them know that you love them. And make them know that you're willing to make it work. But it has to be a shared emotion. If they still don't want to show you love, then show them the door. Simple, right? I wish.



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

guess what. all men are the same.

Girl meets boy. Boys swoons girl. Girl resists the temptation of falling. Girl knows from past expirences that all boys just want to have fun. Girl gives boy an idea. Friends with benifits? Boy says no. Boy wants to date girl. Girl is unsure. Boy seems persistant. Girl slowly thaws out her icy heart. Girl wants to meet boy, for a date. Boy is always busy. Girl is busy when boy isn't. Boy just asks for naughty pictures. Girl gives in. Boy won't text her back after she says she likes him. Girl realizes all boys are the same. This all wouldn't have been an issue if Girl had never thawed out her icy heart. Thank you Jerad Sayles of Waupan for just proving to me all men are the same. Xo-K

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I've been thinking a lot. And ya know what I want more than anything? Passion. I want someone to show me, that they are passionate. If I'm so fricking awesome, like they say, then it shouldn't be so hard to show it. And if you think about, how many times have you had the kind of passion they have in movies?? I had it once. And it's sad, but it was just with a guy I met in a bar. Then he made me believe it would happen again but then he just stopped talking to me. Whatever, it's cool, Aniello. I understand you've just been through a 'gang of drama', so don't make some innocent girl feel like a complete and utter waste in the wake of your 'issues'. I know you're a busy guy, but honestly, I wanted to make the time. [now i feel better! well a little....] So once again how come it's always seeming to be me that has to make the move? Why can't a guy just do it. Make the move, ya know grab a girl by the elbow and pull her against you and have your way with her. And another thing is, if, you really like a girl as much you say, then shouldn't you try harder to keep her than most boys do?? Aren't you crazy to let go of someone that you say means that much to you?? Deep down, I believe in romance and all that good stuff, it's just sad that no one has ever made me feel like I am good enough for it. And all these boys say it, but no one ever does it. Sometimes, it's hard to walk in a single girls shoes. That's why we need really special shoes :) xo, K

Sunday, October 25, 2009

just friends.

Can a guy and a girl be just friends without there being some sort of sexual tension/attraction? Um. No, I doubt it. Either he or she will feel something for the other person. And it's probably not going to be felt on both ends. That's what makes it such a shitty situation. Someone gets mixed feelings about the other, and takes some kind of gesture or comment the wrong way and, boom, that's it. You're getting screwed over in the end. So, while you may think that your buddy is just a buddy...they're wishing it was something else or something more. True story. The end.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

advice for guys! (good advice btw)

I figured that guys need advice just as much as girls do. So here we are. I'll touch on a few subjects. You should not have to deal with bitchy girls. You should not have to be 'stuck' in a relationship because you feel bad for a girl. Feeling bad for someone and trying to make the relationship work is a waste of time and effort. If she is genuinely treating you like shit, and you've tried working it out, then dump her ass. Yes, you could give her uber amounts of chances to change things, but if this girl is just generally an asshole, then don't even waste your time. I've been the asshole girl before. And when girls are continuously being assholes to you, then it's because they don't really care. Or they could be the really retarded girls who are bitches trying to get attention. And that shit is just annoying. Who wants to deal with some insecure cunt the rest of their lives? Ugh. This seems like it should be an obvious thing to see, but love is blind. And sometimes irrational. So. Dump her. Do not waste your time.
You can do better.
And you should do better. Girls who crave attention 24/7 are wayyyy too high maintenance and should be slapped.
But let me do the slapping, cause if you do, you're going to jail.

the bitch edition

Bitches! You know the type. The ones that make the rest of our lives miserable! The kind of girls we want to take out back and kick in the face. The type of girls that wear the Ugg boots with the coach purses who fake bake every damn day, and cake on the make up to hide their insecurities. The kind of girl who belittles the average and rad girls, to make themselves feel better. The girl who talks so much shit behind your back without even knowing you as a person. That doesnt matter though, as long as she feels a little better deep inside. I hate your guts. Every thing about you. I hate the fact that you think you are better than me. I hate the fact that you think you can get away with anything. I hate the fact you think you're prettier than I am. I hate the fact you treat guys like shit and give girls a bad name. I hate the fact you don't care about other people's emotions. I hate the fact that you need material things in your life to be happy. I hate the fact that you judge me and don't know me. I hate the fact that you're completely fake. What's it like to wake up every morning and know that your life is a joke? What's it like to know that you will never ever know the true meaning of life and what's really important? What's it like to know that YOU don't even like yourself? Hmmm. I wouldn't know. =] And for the rest of the non-bitchy girls in the world. Be strong, loud, proud and confident. The girls out there who judge you for who you truly are, need to be kicked in the teeth. Who are they to judge you!? Who are they to tell you what's right and what's not?
They're no one!
And that's just it. You have to treat them like they're no one in order to survive in this cat fight. Let them judge you and belittle you, because it doesn't matter. Continue to be the amazzzzing chic you are.
The day will come when they're 40 and they'll wake up and wonder what they've been doing with their life. And why they're married to an abusive jerk who has money, and why their life has no purpose and meaining. They'll wonder why they have no friends and no accomplishments. And we can sit back and laugh.
Karma is a bitch. Remember.
Half of the time they're jealous of your awesome-ness anyway.
So fuck 'em.
xoxo, L

Monday, October 19, 2009

to all the boys who may love me and/or lust after me

dear men who like me, I am greatly honored that you have shown interest in me! I am not that used to getting attention from men, but please don't lie to me. Please don't tell me that you need me in your life, and then not talk to me for days. Please if you really do like me, come see me. Don't make me just wonder. And the door swings both ways. I would totally come to you if you want me too. Please don't lie to me. It just breaks me. I don't really trust guys but if I do tell you I trust you, don't lie to me even more. Please, if you don't want to talk to me anymore, just tell me. Don't leave me hanging/wondering if your dead in a ditch somewhere. How hard is it to just say "hey babe, gonna be busy today, but i'll text you later." Please keep in mind, that I don't want to be a virgin forever. Please, I'm not demanding, I'm not a bitch, I'm a pretty normal girl! with love, Kendall Please

music much?

I thought we should take a slight detour from issues with boys blogs. But don't you dare think i forgot about the boys part! Bands not pictured that still rock: A ROCKET TO THE MOON, something corporate, jimmy eat world, a day to remember, chiodos, etc etc etc.... THE MUSIC EDITION!
Now if only they sounded as amazing as this picture. Oh wait! They do! Hot nerds?!?! Check out: im not coming to your party, richman, starstrukk.
Alesana Not for the faint of heart. They pack a punch, along with tons of awesome-ness. They make me want to be a bad girl! Check out: apology, tilting the hourglass, ambrosia.
Hey Monday. Not only does this chick singer rock, but so do the catchy lyrics and tunes that come from this band. She sings of break ups and getting over them, but she makes it sound bad ass and fun to do.
Check out: obvious, set off, run dont walk.
The Maine.
Not only does John Ohhh have uber amazing hair, but his vocal cords make me wanna melt. Literally. I think I love him. Wow. Oh, not to mention they're utterly genius.
Check out: you left me, i wanna love you, i must be dreaming, girls do what they want.
Cobra Starship.
1. They have a chic rockin out in their band. 2. I love every single song they produce. 3. They rock live. 4. This list is endless. Not to mention they're the only reason snakes on a plane was somewhat cool.
Check out: prostitution is the world's oldest profession, hot mess, guilty pleasure.
Cash Cash.
Not only are they my jewish boyfriends(yes all of them). The way they move, sing, and fit into those tight multi colored jeans, makes me want to ahhhhhhh. Well. Enough of that.
Check out: sugar rush, cash cash, party in your bedroom.

Breathe Carolina.
How i love thee. a lot. their electronic, quirky lyrics, will have you rockin out all day. or you'll jam out with your clam out for sure! not to mention they amaze me live too!
Check out: dressed up to undress, the birds and the bees, i ruin dreams not nightmares, gossip.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

bad boy vs good guy

Why is it that women tend to prefer 'bad' boys compared to 'good' guys?
We've all done it at one time or another in our dating synopsis. Hell, we might have even chosen the bad guy over the good one, and hell, we probably even knew what we were doing.
No questions about it.
Bad Boy


Good Guy


Now. From experience...I've dated a few bad guys and a few good guys. And while they both have their own ups and downs, you should probably go for good guys in the end.

Bad boys tend to go more for one night stands and ditzy blondes. Very stereotypical, I know. But we live in a world ran by stereotypes. Truth.

And the truth hurts, but I dont see nerdy dudes tearing girls' hearts out and feeding them to the dogs. Do you? I mean you have a few exceptions here and there, but overall, no.

But girls tend to be shallow from time to time, and shit happens, and you find the guy with the bad ass tattoos and spiked hair to be smokin hot. And one thing may lead to another, and then he doesn't call you. And stops communication all together, and it wasnt you, it was him speech, and this and that. And he's feeding your heart to the dogs on a silver platter.

So ladies. We need to look past all that hair gel and ink and bad ass-ness, and go for whats important.

Someone who will make us truly happy.

This is a little harder than you think. But if you're patient, it will happen. Let fate run it's course. And if you wanna date a few bad dick heads along the way, feel free. But don't forget to give the good guys a chance too...

I prefer nerds myself =]

Live Long and Prosper.

Marry me Zachary Quinto. K thanks


Monday, October 5, 2009

I've Stopped Believin'

So a few weeks ago, I met this terribly awesome guy. But now, I haven't heard from him in about week. He told me some cool stuff. And I thought he meant it. He told me he couldn't wait to run into me again. And he enjoyed what we did just as much as I did. And this is the one that got me all hung up on him "U make me feel good. I've just been thru a gang of drama. I can't stop thinking about u. I think ur blog got me sprung." If he's done with me. Fine. Just let me know so I don't keep going on like a dumbass. So my moral basically is, if you don't like someone like they like you, just tell them! god. It's not that hard especially in a text message. I just really thought he was different. And to think I was combing over the idea of making waffles with him! ha. xx-K

Sunday, October 4, 2009

to move on or not to move on

MOVE ON!!!!!! Ugh. How many damn times do I have to say this. Just do it. Move on and don't look back. Fate works in mysterious ways, this is totally true ladies. So let it work already! You can't spend your days waiting and swooning over some guy. Any guy for that matter. They're not worth it, and they come a dime a dozen. Meaning: there are a million and one guys out there. Don't waste your time with just one. (If you've made it evident that you like a guy and he's STILL being a wishy washey douche bag, who is totally afraid of any type of commitment, then ditch his ass. Let him toy with someone else's emotions.) Because he's not Hannah Montana, and his ass can't have the best of both worlds. So delete him from your life and consider youself lucky to have such learning experiences in your life. They only make you stronger and wiser. xxxxx, L

Friday, October 2, 2009

lies lies lies

Is it alright to lie to someone so that they like you more? But at the same time, If someone doesn't like you for you, shouldn't you just make peace with that an be able to go chase someone else? Should I be flattered that someone would go through the trouble of lying to make me feel more comfortable, but now I can't believe anything he says. There was a time, before when I didn't believe boys and what they told me, and now for some reason I started to, and now I just get my heartbroken. FML I think to cure myself, I'm just going to stop trusting boys. They just lie to me. xo-K

Monday, September 28, 2009

Things Boys Should Know

  • Girls don't care about your past relations. If we did, we would ask about them. So don't compare us to your other hook-ups and whatnots.
  • Don't lie to us. We're better at it than you are, in most cases. So we'll eventually catch you in some kind of lie that's probably going to make you look like an ass. And neither of us want that, right?
  • Eventhough you may think you're being nice by feeding me full of bullshit and telling me what you think I want to hear, don't. I would rather you tell me that you want nothing to do with me, then make up lame excuses why we can't hang out. Ever.
  • Grow balls. Hypothetically.
  • Girls like to be in charge every once in a while. Don't let it hurt your ego. We don't think any less of you as a man if we make a few major decisions here and there.
  • We like sex, and foreplay even more so. Our boobs aren't just to look at. They like to be touched too.
  • Don't devour my face when you try to kiss me. You're trying too hard. I promise I won't judge you if you're not spitting all over my face. Honestly.
  • Do compliment me and tell me you think I'm beautiful every once in a while.
  • Do tell me I'm being a bitch. IF I really am.
  • Don't tell me I'm a bitch if I'm not.
  • Contrary to popular belief, I cannot read your mind. OH, how I wish I could sometimes. But I can't, keep this in mind.
  • If you like me, and we have a good time together, chances are..I like you too. Let's do something about this. Let's not act like we're in 5th grade and we have cooties. K?
  • Don't tell me you think other girls are hot. I guarantee that I will stop finding you hot.
  • Kiss me. A lot. Please.
  • Do send me cute texts whenever you're bored. And let me know that you miss me, if you truly and honestly do.
  • Love me for me, and accept the fact that I'm not perfect.



Friday, September 25, 2009

I used to be cynical

I used to be very cynical when a guy told me I was beautiful and all that jazz. I used to be a bitch about it. But then I realized even if he says it to a zillion and one girls, it is still pretty special to hear it. I have recently met a guy. And he tells me all the good stuff, and I know he might just be bs-ing me, but at the same time, I wonder "why would he waste his time telling me this stuff?" I know it might all end just as soon as it started, and I know I will be sad if it does. But while it's happening. I plan on living it up. hardcore. I mean, I have never really gotten to a know a guy like him, and I can't wait to know more about him. But if he doesn't want to share I am ok. If he doesn't want to meet me again. I am ok with it. I might be mad, but I will just be disappointed. Becuase I really do lookforward to knowing him. xo-K

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am a Vixen

Vixens don't stalk boys. Photobucket We hunt them. See, Like, Go Get. It its that easy. It is generally frowned upon to do this in daily settings (work, wal-mart, mall, school) But the bar scence is a totally different story. Boys don't choose you, you pick them


  • sit/stand at the bar.
  • underdress.
  • wear something short.
  • Mingle.
  • Smile.
  • Look Good.
  • Have your own style.

And when you see one you like, go over, give him a compliment (I have had recent success with "I like your glasses!") and the rest will just happen.

*if it doesn't, then he likes boys.

Happy Hunting


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Douche Bag List

Compiled over the summer with the help of the many vintage vixens (&jeff) 1-3 Average Guy 4-7 Douche Like 8-13 Douche-ish 14-17 Very Douche-y 18-22 Douche Bag 23+ Mega Douche. Let him bang bitches in Ed Hardy Bikinis Wears Plaid Shorts Wears Name Brand Polos Wears Aviators Wears a Wifebeater..and just that for a shirt. Wears Overly Distressed Jeans Very Low Hanging Jeans Drives an: Impala, Cadillac, Eclipse, Big Truck/SUV, or Hummer Checks himself out in reflective surfaces Spends a lot of time in front of the mirror Owns a Hair Straightener Uses Fruit Scented Body Wash Has Massive Muscles Goes Tanning Wears Mandals His outfit is a Monochromatic color scheme Takes his Camcorder...everywhere. Has Bling Enjoys the "music" of Akon Has a beer shirt Wears Ed Hardy Clothing. Often. Loud Truck/motorcycle Brags about his beer pong skillz Wears Capris Facebook status says "hit up the cell" or "text it" Is only out between 4 and 4 "knows it" all about sound systems or cars Has a faux hawk/hair like the kid from the future in Meet the Robinsons Wears a Bandanna Drinks Icy Starbucks Wears his hat with a flat brim to the side Keeps the sticker on his hat Has one of those drawstring backpack things. Wears a Fedora Has a Pitbull/Boxer. And it isn't fixed. Runs downtown shirtless Spells with 'wit' and the 'tha' Has any clothing with silver or gold print on it Has highlighted/frosted hair Doesn't tie his shoes Chews obnoxisly on his gum Won't get off his phone Has Bluetooth headset on. all the time. Wears Affliction Wears Harley Davidson Gold Hoop Earring Biker Boots/No Bike Eyebrow Piercing Walks around shirtless, while not in his house. Nipple Piercings Please feel free to let me know if there is anything else that should be on this list! xo-K

Monday, September 21, 2009


This weekend, we went out to Marley's (<3). I have now kissed 25 boys. But, anyway...! I have made myself feel less like a dirty slut, and more like the vixen I am! I met a boy, He was standing by himself on the dance floor, I told him, I liked his glasses, and next thing I know, we're making out. like hardcore. I pushed him againt the railing and had my way with him, I think. He was good. At kissing, knowing what to do with his hands, and talking. He was the whole package. We went outside, and it got a little out of hand when my russian friend came and yelled at me for 'it was getting disgusting.' I'm glad she did though. We talked. He seems cool. I mean, he had an iPhone. He said he wants to meet again. To make out and do other stuff if I want. He said he's never met a girl like that, who told him he had sweet glasses. He took my number, and said he wants to meet again. I am not sure if he really wants to, or if he doesn't care. But he made me feel good, and I can only hope I made him feel as good. xo-K

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Importance of Being [Earnest]-ly Blonde!

Now. We all know that blondes have more fun, right? I mean it's kind of common sense. I'm not just saying this because I am blonde. At one point in my life I wasn't. I was brunette. From box color that is...which is definitely not a good choice, btw. Okay, so I was a brunette...then I became blonde. This was a gradual transition, that didnt just happen overnight. But it seemed that the lighter my hair became, the more fun I had. It went hand in hand.... Weird? No... Amazing! So what do I mean when I say that you should be earnest when you become blonde? Let's define 'earnest' to begin with: Earnest (adjective); Heartfelt, serious and diligent, emotionally intense and solemn. You may be thinking at this point, wtf am I seriously talking about? I have seen far too many times, blondes who think that they are, for lack of better words, 'the shit.' And they tend to act like their shit doesnt stink either. Which of course is utterly wrong and absurd to even think about. These blondes walk around acting like they own the place and can do no wrong. This again is totally wrong. Remember to keep your head on your shoulders. Just because you have this hair color, does not mean that every dude automatically wants you. And if that's the case, then they're totally missing the true beauty that has to lie within first. You can only be truly beautiful on the outside, if you're truly beautiful on the inside first. That's what I believe. That's how it should be. But unfortunately, we do not all think the same. Being blonde can be a lot of fun, but at the same time you are continuously sticking up for yourself and trying to defend the fact that not every blonde is a total air head or ditz. And that you're not the football team's slutty cheerleader...although that can be fun to think about at's not always the image that I want to give others. Rarely ever should you want to give others this image. Being blonde doesnt mean you should lose sight of your morals and standards. And it does not mean that you are easy peasy! Try not to get a big head either. I know that when you're getting lost of attention you can start to lose sight of things. But remember, there are some pretty shallow people out there, and I'm definitely not trying to sound like one of them when I write this, but some boys may only come up and talk to you because you are blonde. AND they think you're easy and retarded to be blunt and honest. So you neeeeed to prove them wrong. Because no girl wants to ONLY be easy. At least this blonde doesn't. xoxo, L

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the tale of two encounters.

Something amazing happened this weekend. It all started last week, when my facebook friend/dirty text partner told me he was coming through the Dells next week, and we should meet up. I kinda freaked out a little, I mean, I am pretty insecure about my self, so I don’t want to get shot down anymore than I already do, but anyway. I decided it would be cool to meet him. But then Thursaday night, we closed work and went to get some drinks. So I was feeling pretty darn good about myself, when he said he was by Hotel Rome. (OMG!) not far from where I was.

He came and met Lacey and Tati and Jeff because we were all hanging out on the corner. Well, we know that the end of Vintage is near, and I always wanted to mess around with a guy in the boudoir in back. So I knew, this was my chance. I unlocked the door, and in we went. We kissed some and I asked him if he wanted a blowjob, and like any guy, he said yes. So I did it. It was my first one ever. I am 22 years old, and I gave my first bj to a 18 year old. But it’s cool. He is the kind of boy that I was simply obsessed with in High School, so hick it gets me a little excited. It wasn’t that bad. I don’t know why so many girls hate it. Afterwards, I felt sexy and confident. And good. He finished, and I asked if he was done, and then I told him I wanted to go to a movie with my friends. We left Vintage and he told me to text him. I locked the door and went to find Lacey and Tati. Little did I know, they had snuck into Vintage, and where in a dressing room the whole time. But, creeping is caring!

He needs more practice kissing, but I probably do too, and I feel a lot weird about it because he didn’t say anything the entire time. I don’t even know if I was doing it right, but how many ways are there to do that? But he texted me, not even 10 minutes later. So, I am guess that is a good thing.

Saturday night, I went out to Marleys (<3) And was dirty dancing with this guy. Like really dirrrrrty dancing. Then the place was closing and I pulled out my phone and asked for his number and sent him a naughty picture. He asked to come back to my hotel. (hello, not staying at one!) and I asked his name, and I think he said Cy, but I am not sure. I know I told him my name was Barbie. Well, then when I got back to where I was staying he texted me and asked if he could come over. I told him I wasn’t going to have sex with him. He texted back and said that I can’t expect him to be nonchalant when I let him do that, but he would settle for a backrub. After some discussion with Tati, I decided to let him come here. I met him downstairs, and I had to walk across the street to get my blanket and pillow out of my car. While we were walking across the street, we made out on the bridge to the parking lot. Then we came back upstairs and he told me I was beautiful. And we were making out, and he took off my shirt, and was playing with my boobs, and such and then next thing I know the lights where off, and I was giving him head. He made noise and told me I was phenomenal. I don’t know if he was that drunk, or I am that good. So, then he finished finally, and I thought, what have I done?

He has a picture of a kid on the background of his phone! Then to make matters worse, he texted me the next morning because he forgot his hat and wanted to come and pick it up. So, there I was sitting outside waiting to see what this dude looked like post-morning after. He texted me and said asked where I was. I told him and saw one guy walking up the street…and it was him. He said thanks babe. Then left.

I texted him and asked him one question. How old are you, he said 31. Omg. I did stuff with a 31 year old guy, who has a picture of a kid on his cell phone, and I don’t even know what his name is. After him, I felt dirty.

But Hot Kevin did say he wants to meet again…

Monday, August 31, 2009

The option

I would just to start off by saying, I'm angry. This is the emotion I'm feeling as I write this. So you go through life thinking you have options, right? Well this is a half truth. You do have options, but dont you dare think that they are endless options. Because sadly, they are not. I have learned the hard way far too too many times. Choices are all around you, and every single damn day of your life you are handed new choices and new options. Every day. (wow I'm so angry I cant even string together sentences in my head. Irate. Furious.) Okay. So hypothetically, lets say that you are given an option that is presented to you by a boy. A boy that you claimed to be head over heels for. A boy who claimed to like you just as much. Now these are just on hypothetical terms of course. So this option, if you will, seems to be a pretty decent one. He says he's serious about it too. Whoa. Something serious coming from the opposite sex. That rarely ever fucking happens! ....oh and make sure you keep this in mind. ..back to my hypothetical story.... So he's serious, right. Get it, got it. Hmmm, then all of a sudden. Poof! Nope, just kidding! Sorry to get your hopes up, once again. You retarded girl. This option has flown the coop. No more decision making there, no choice involved on your part. Cause well, he just took that opportunity away. hmm shit out of luck arent ya? Soooo. What am I trying to get at? Okay.... YOU, as a beautiful, independent woman, should learn from my mistake. YOU have to make your own choices, and have your own options in your own life. Do NOT sit around and wait for the male species to try and present some form of choice for you to ponder upon. Because chances are they're going to change their mind. Guys change their mind more often than the weather changes in Wisconsin. If you want something out of life, YOU have to go for it. YOU have to want it, and do something about it. I'm done waiting. I'm done trying to maybe depend on the opposite in the slightest amount whatsoever. I loathe men. And am done playing stupid petty little mind games. It's way too difficult, and way too overrated. I now realize why I am single. The fucking marvelous end! xoooo, L

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Body Image

Okay. I want to take a slight break from talk about boys boys boys. I mean I'll make a reference to them in this blog, but it's not going to be all about them. Like it always is. Grr. I wrote a blog about confidence before, and you can click on the confidence link at the bottom of this blog to look at it. But this is different. Yes body image does coinside with confidence, but on a deeper level I believe. Body image is something we deal with on a daily basis. Practically 24/7. It's being shoved in our faces from everywhere. TV Movies Magazines Friends/Family Media Press Boys Everything Everywhere You can't get away from it. We're being told what we should look like. What we should wear. How we should style our hair. What our make-up should look like. We're being told to be something or someone we're not. This is not cool. And it pisses me off. Want to know what brought this on? Well I'm going to tell you anyway. So this weekend I went out with a few friends, and we're at this party right. And this guy walks up to me and is like, "you're pretty, you know that?" I say, "well thank you" he says, "...but you'd be even prettier, if you didn't have that nose ring. Don't get me wrong, you're still pretty but..." I say, "well ahh thanks. I guess this nose rings helps me weed out guys like you." Um wtf? Like I care what you think about my septum ring or not. Ah no. Wanna know what? I was once told, by another dude, that he thought my nose ring was 'hot' so really, your opinion means nothing to me. But it does piss me off. It pisses me off that guys generally go for: tall, skinny, bitches with big tits. Oh, and throw in your occassional fake baker, with ultra white/bleached teeth, and cover up piled on to the extreme to hide her imperfections. Oh, and they won't have any facial piercings or tattoos, and will do whatever their man asks them to do. Oh, and they'll only wear abercrombie and fitch, american eagle, shit from the buckle, and hollister. Oh, and they'll be 'perfect.' Oh, and they'll be completely clueless to the real world, have no personality, won't know their own self from the next stupid bitch, have no individuality, and no independence. But hey, as long as they look good on their man's arm...that's all that really matters, right? AH WRONG. Ladies. Your body image is what YOU make it. I don't care if you're, skinny, fat, chubby, curvy, lengthy, stocky, short, round, square, pink or blue. You are gorgeous and do NOT need the approval of some low life, self centered prick to prove you otherwise. I want every woman out there to know that it's okay to wear that low cut shirt, even if you have no boobs at all to show off. I want you to wear that short little skirt, even if you don't have the legs of fucking Heidi Klum. I want you to go without make-up whenever the hell you please, just because you don't feel like putting any on that day. I want you to try something new and maybe scandalous, just because it's fun. I want YOU to know that it's okay not to be perfect. And I want you to know, that I like you better that way. I like you the fucking way you are. Because you are fucking beautifuly-gorgeous! Every girl should be told that they're gorgeous. So, I'm telling you now, that you are gorgeous. And I sincerely mean that. Without a single doubt in my mind chica. And you wanna know what? If a guy tells you something ridiculously retarded, like they don't like your nose ring, and you'd be prettier without it, tell them to fuck off. Because he is not The One for you, nor will he ever be. He will never know the luxury of dating your fine ass. And that's his loss, definitely not yours. So next time the televison is telling you that you're supposed to be a size 2 to get anywhere in this life, throw a rock through the screen. Or change the channel. Either way...know that it's lying, and just be confident with yourself. The people that you see in magazines and on TV are paid to be fake. They have personal trainers and work out a zillion hours a week. They get liposuction and botox injections more than you and I can say sasquatch. They're airbrushed and photoshopped to the max. So of course we are never going to look like that. Not in a bijillion years. And why would you want to? Why would you want to live up to such high expectations? Omg, I know I have no desire to be something remotely close to that. I may have blonde hair, but I am no retard. So it's whatev. I do know that life is tooooo short. Because you only get one body, one life. So live it to the fullest with confidence! xoxoxoxxxxx, L

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meeting boys on the internet.

This is a good idea if you are too shy to meet them in real life.

Boys there just plainly tell you how beautiful you are and how bad they want to fuck you. And lets face it, who tells you that in real life? No one.

That’s why I applaud Craig from Warped Tour. He just walked up to Lacey and said “You’re beautiful.” That’s it! Then we talked a little bit more and it was just a little awkward. And then him and Lacey shared an awkward hug. Nothing more they didn’t exchange phone numbers or myspaces or any of that crap. It was just plain simple stuff that we want to hear.

But back to this online boy stuff…

It’s a good idea to meet people. But no one likeable (for me at least) lives in these parts. And the boys that I do meet and REALLY like, and seem to like me back live in far distant lands like, Missouri and Indiana and Georgia.

See here, I found this boy, and his name was Jeff, and he was the cat’s meow. I called him the Right Jeff as not to confuse him with the other Jeffs in my life, who were all wrong. And then we texted all the time, and he wanted me to come visit. But I couldn’t and he wouldn’t come here. I see this as a red flag. Then I asked if I could bring a friend and he said No. Red Flag numero two! Well, he told me all the stuff that no one has ever told me before, like how beautiful I am, and I how I am ther perfect match for him, and the list goes on and on. Then he didn’t text me for weeks it was probally like 6 days, but I looked at his myspace and all the comments from girls and how much they love him, bothered me. So I was ready to be done!

I turned 22, and started the week with a whole new outlook on life. And then, while shopping for the perfect birthday outfit, He texted me. It was like the world stopped spinning as I looked down at the text that simply said “i miss you”. After an simply conversation I didn’t text hi all night. And I got REALLY drunk. He didn’t even cross my mind as I was celebrating the big deuce.

When I was writing about the perfect girl, I texted all the boys and asked them what the perfect girl was like. He said “the one I am dating.” Once again the world stopped spinning and I didn’t know if he was serious or messing with me to see what I would say back. But then I realized, He told me all the things I wanted to hear, but it was the same thing he whispered in every other girls ear.

I am done with him. I texted him and said “can you do me a favor” nothing…all morning. So I sent “obviously it’s not a hard favor. Just delete me and forget about me.” Nothing. That was 2 days ago, and I have felt A-FRICKING-MAZING ever since. The only thing I wish is that he would have responded to me. Because now I have a feeling, that I will get a text in a week when he has no one better to text. And I am going to tell him off.

So the moral of this story is, Don’t online date/have a long distance relationship. I mean it’s cool and all if you can trust each other, but one thing he said will stand out to me, and should have stopped me from falling head over heels for him. He said “I like you so much it scares me, because I think you could be as bigger of a player as I am.” But in the end I was a player, I had two boys that I really liked and told them that often.

So basically, I will try not to fall head over heels for any boys in the near future.



As the title states. I have came to a realization. It just dawned on me! Girls and guys are almost the exact same! This is why we're so confusing to each other. We try too hard to figure eachother out. We just assume that we're so entirely different that we have a hard time, grasping the fact, that well...we're not so different at all. For example: We both tell eachother what we want to hear. You can't say that you don't. Even if you don't mean it. You still tell the opposite sex what they want to hear, so you wont have to deal with the consequence of telling them what they don't want to hear. And this can be anything from, no you don't look fat in those jeans, sweety, you really are the biggest penis I've ever seen! And omg, you're so amazzzzzing in bed (that can go both ways). I mean, honestly, I mean maybe 65% of what I say to boys. At least I have enough balls to admit it. I hate hurting their feelings. They're just like little puppies when they get those pouty faces, and damnit. I can't say no, and I can't be honest with them. So I make shit up to save their feelings. Men do the same thing to women. It's the god forsaken truth. Oh well. It's a vicious cycle that will most likely never ever stop. And I mean, while it lasts, I think I would honestly want to be told some made up crap to save my feelings. For now, at least. I know it'll probably hurt me in the long run, but that's how life is. Full of ups and downs and bullshit. You grow up and get over it. Or you don't grow up (like me) and get over it still. We both enjoy sex (men and women), like to the extreme. Which is totally and 110% okay. And you want to know what? Men and women both enjoy an ocassional booty call. Dude, that's okay too! Who wants commitment 100% of their life? Especially when I'm fucking 21 years old?!?! Ahhhh, yeah, not me. That's for sure. So if I want to call up an old fling, on one of those lonely nights, for a hook-up... Then, damnit I'm going to. And want to know what else? I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Unless it's that one hook up that wasn't so good. [Note to self: Make sure this booty call, is worth making the call in the first place. 5 minutes of pleasure for him is more like 30 sec of agony for me.] Oh, and if you're going to sit there and judge me, and say you don't like the ocassional booty call. Then you're in denial. Or some sick freak of nature. But hey, kudos to you! :P So just remember the next time you're trying to figure out your current dude, that he's probably trying to analyze you as well. And you're both probably failing miserably at it. But who cares! That's life. And you're going to learn as you go. Which is how it should be. But as stated in previous blogs...keep your guard up! And keep current on lipstick lullabies for tips and tricks to be one step ahead of the testosterone type. Because you can never be too clever. Or witty. Or charming. xo, L

Monday, August 17, 2009

Your Exxx(es)

It happens all the time. Maybe too often. You date someone. It doesn't work out. They're now your Ex. Life goes on, or at least it should... But sometimes, something happens that may invovle the two of you getting back together. Is this a good thing? Hmm well. That all depends on the situation I suppose. Why did you break up? Who did the breaking up? What kind of feelings were there? Was it a nasty break up, or one of those nice, 'mutual' things? Can you ever really get back together with your ex? or for that matter, should you? Now, if things ended with the two of you loathing eachother and wanting to kill one another, then, no. You should not get back together with this person. Ever. Things will not work out, no matter how hard you try to work at it. You'll always have some sort of hatred for this person, which can never be a good thing. People and feelings don't always change. In fact, they rarely ever change. They can claim to be a different person, but half of the time, they're complete liars. They're probably even lying to themselves about changing, and don't even know it. What if your ex cheated on you, and that was the cause of the break-up. Should you give them another chance? AH HELLOOOOOO?!?! No. You. Should. Not. Trust me. From personal experience. Once a cheater, Always a cheater. The end.

What if it was a mutual break-up?

These are probably the most common kind of break-up. Well it usually invovles someone trying to convince the other person, that it's not you it's them, kind of thing. Which is bogus most of the time. But it eventually leads to some sort of mutual agreement for a break-up.

And most of the time, when you get back together with your ex, this is the easiest circumstance to do it. I'm not saying that things are going to work out and be perfect. No way jose. But there's always that slight possibility. But.

From personal experience. I've gotten back together with previous exes. It hasn't worked out in any of those cases, yet. And I doubt that it ever will.

You broke up. There was a reason you broke up. Let fate run its course, and stay broken up. Don't go crawling back to this person and look like a douche once it fails again. That's just pathetic.

And in 99% of time, you can do way better! xoxoxxxx,


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Perfect Girl

I have been thinking about how guys always say that they like girls that are: Funny, Outgoing, Smart, Creative, Unique, Cute, Good, Nice, Sensual. But then it dawned on me... THAT'S EVERY GIRL. so, by using my mathematical skills, I have concluded that EVERY GIRL IS A PERFECT GIRL. Astonishing right? xo K

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

internet relations

This is going to be one of those brutally honest blogs. I mean what other kind should there be... Especially an advice-giving-blog, only brutal honesty allowed here. It seems like everyone nowadays, is internet 'dating'. So internet dating... [Grr. This was the point where I was going to 'dis' internet dating, and say how uberly retarted it is. But...I realize I would only being do this, because a dude recently chose a internet chick over me. Grr, as hard as this is to say...I'm happy for him. Honest to blog Criss, I'm 110% happy for you. And I'm not trying to be witty or sarcastic while typing this. Just being genuine. Every single last person on this earth deserves happiness, and if you find it on the internet, more power to you! So I guess you are right, I am jealous. NOT that I wasn't 'the one' but because I have yet to find someone out there.] Okay back to internet dating. Have I done it? Well, one time I signed up for okcupid. I had it for a week or two, and thought that it was kind of weird. There were a lot of random creepers and weird stalkers on there. So. Delete! Did I meet anyone cool on there? hmmm, not really. This one chris guy that i still text every once in awhile is cool. But other than the ocassional, hey hows it going kind of thing, nothing. you have to be extrememly careful when dating online. How are you supposed to know that this person youre talking to isnt a complete fake or phony. Not some 30 yr old creeper just looking to get in your pants or some killer. Hey, you never know. So if this person only has one picture of themself and its grainy and all distorted, chances are theyre a weirdo. And you should avoid them. when getting involved in an online relationship, they tend to be long distance, so thats something you might have to deal with. And just because its a long distance kind of thing doesnt mean you can flirt and sleep around as often as you'd like. A relationship is a relationship. Whether its long distance or not. Different area codes, does not mean different hoes. xo, L

Friday, July 31, 2009

Warped Fucking Tour 2009

WARPED TOUR!!!! Amazing music, Cool merch, Cute boys, Great friends, Awesome times = Best Day of Summer! Did I mention Great Music? and Cute boys?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Ugly Truth

Ladies, we have been mistaken about men this entire time. They can and will not change. They are unable to. They're all pretty much made the same. Men have no emotions, and if you think they do, you are sadly mistaken. And don't tell me you've found your mr. right. or whatever. shut the f up. He does not exist. They do not care about your emotions, personality, life, problems, thoughts, suggestions, rights, questions. Nothing. Want to know what they really care about???? Do you truly and honestly want to know? SEX SEX SEX. Looks. How well you give a blow job, and whether or not you will. As much of a let down as this may be, it's utterly and 110% true. Want to know whats even more of a let down? Even when you think you may have found this one guy who could and might be possibly different then all those other jerks out there...he turns out to be the exact same. Leaves you high and dry, stops texting/calling/facebooking/myspace-ing, everything...only to discover later on that's he's moved on to some other chick with blonde hair and big boobs, whose a size fucking 3. Named Kati or Hannah. Who happens to only be a 'friend.' Ohh please. That's why you're going back and forth on myspace and facebook saying that you love eachother or how cute they are and blah blah blah. wtf!?!? dude. I was not born yesterday, and I'm not a moron. so get a life. anyway, Ladies. Men are all the same. Even if they claim to be different than every other guy. Want to know what? They're in denial. Want to know what you have to do? Ignore them. Pretend like you know nothing about their 'problem,' and do the same thing in return. Put your guard up on high gear, and let nothing bother you. I've learned to do this. I have been used and abused far too many times, that I've learned that it's just better not to get your hopes up. So I don't anymore. It's sad. But it's the ugly truth. Learn to accept it, and use it to your advantage. xoxxx, L

I hope you read this.

I hope you know who you are. I hope you realize how've mad me feel. I hope you know how much I was into you. I hope you know why I'm doing this. I hope I can go through a day without thinking of the way you made me feel I hope you are happy. I hope you have the best life you can. xoK

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Giving it Up

I have had a small infatuation for the past 2 months. It's amazing to have someone call you princess and baby, and they aren't joking. It's amazing to get sweet little texts throughout the day. It's amazing that he makes me feel like a girl. He texts you late at night, and you share secrets. But then theres the fact that you say you will stay a virgin until you meet him. And that he won't come here. He wants you there, and it's not okay to bring your very best friend. I don't even think he really cares about me. I don't go out, I feel so horrible when I talk to other boys. And slowly he stops texting you everyday. You look at his myspace, cuz he's just so gosh darn cute, and he really is. But...there are girls. From all over flirting with him. He tells you they are just myspace groupies. But, I will always like him. But I need him here. Now. And I think He's not all he says. Why would these girls toss around the "L" word so casually if he didn't give him a reason to? I need to delete him. He's the best boy I could ever know. But I am not a very trusting girl, and I don't feel like I should keep trusting him. I need a new obsession. Stamp Collecting? A new boy? Knitting? xoK

Monday, July 20, 2009


I've never been one to be uncertain of many things.... Ha ha. Who am I kidding? I'm on of the most uncertain people you could ever meet. BUT. When I know I want something...I know for sure. And I go for it. No holding back, no regrets... BUT(and there always is one)... What happens when you're not the uncertain one? What happens when you like someone and you're totally going after this person, but they're not making that extra effort. Not taking that extra step? What then? How does one resolve such an issue? Damn. Here's where my current experience comes in. I have learned that men are indecisive. Now, speaking as one of the most indecisive people(female) out there, I can honestly say that they may be even more unsure of certain things, than I am. Scenario: This dude asks you to hang out. You do. It's awesome. The two of you have lots of fun when you hang out. You have tons in common. You make out from time to time. You cuddddddlllee lots and lots. He says he likes you. You say you like him. He comes and sees you at work lots. You text all the time. And he says the cutest things..most of the time. He makes you happy. He says you make him happy. You get hyper and stay up all night with eachother. He tells you he wants to take things slow. Cool. New. But, very cool. He hasn't tried getting in your pants yet. Wow. But very nice. Very respectable. He says you're 'seeing' each other. But do not have official dating titles yet. Okay? That's the scenario. Questions? Comments? Concerns? CONFUSION! Resolution. Not an answer, but pretty close to one I think... Where do you go from here? Well, after you've made it obvious that you're totally into this dude, and like him. And he knows it, then there are simply two options. Wait around. or Ditch him. While, you may be searching for additional options to weigh, there are none. Just trust me on this. I know from lots of experience. Waiting around: Is he worth it? Will it(as in relationship) be worth it? How long is he going to make you wait? Do you think you have someone better out there for you? Is he just stringing you along? How long should you 'wait' or take things slow for? While I believe that in taking things slow, the relationship will develop on it's own, I also believe that, some guys like to feed you bullshit. They want to tell you what you want to hear, so you'll stay of off their back. But in most cases this only happens when you're sleeping with this person. SO...if you're not having sexual relations with this person, then they probably have actual feelings for you. And probably really do want to take things slow. Which is awesome. So you should wait, until you feel it's appropriate. I mean, you shouldn't be 'seeing someone' for months on end, and nothing develop from that. Because then they're just stringing you along, and are probably 'seeing' several other chics at the same time. Weigh your options. Think wisely. Ditch him: Call it quits. Tell him that, if he's not sure of what he has right in front of him (which is obviously amazing!), then he'll never be sure of anything in his life. Don't be friends. The end. So as for me? Hmmmm. For now, I'll be a little more patient than normal. But I'm not going to wait forever. xoxo, L

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Right Jeff.

Once upon a time... I came home from a night out (it was a morning after), I showered checked my facebook, then went on to that okcupid. I found this cute boy, and we talked on the IM on there, and then he gave me his phone number and we texted. All the time. And he says all the most amazing things. like... "I've never fallen asleep with anyone, but I think it would be amazing to wake up next to you and be reminded by your face how beautiful the world truly can be." "The way you make me tingle every time I wake up and remember I have someone like you to think about and one day hold for hours on end, because when you say certain things it make me reflexively kiss the screen then stop and stare in awe at how much you really make me happy, and because I know in that way that you're unlocking things I've never felt before that you're something intensely and there's no chance someone else can be the entire compliment to me that you are. You are my princess and soon the world will be our kingdom, playground, and utopia. <3" Yeah! He has a way with words that no one else does. I love talking to him on the phone, even though we've only done it twice. But it was so perfect, the second time because I told him that I just wanted men to call me beautiful. and he came back with, I just want to call you mine. I replied, call me and you can call me whatever you like. And 2 seconds later the phone was ringing. On Sunday I was ready to let him go, I haven't heard from him in a few days, and he hadn't been seeming that into me. But I was ok with it. I asked him, and he said he is very much into me. and this morning I woke up to, "I think about you a lot. I really do miss you. I'm sorry that I've been distant or weird. You're my princess, please don't think that will change." aww, so cute everyone threw up a little. At least he knows, that I am the motherfucking princess! xoK

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why we're better

Ever feel like you're not good enough? Like you don't belong? Like you don't deserve something in life that you have? Are you ever unsure about compliments that you may recieve but don't feel like you should accept? Ever feel like that fake ass beauty is wayyy better than what you are? I think we all feel this way every once in awhile in life. But I'm here to tell you something. You're sadly wrong. You ARE good enough for every amazing guy out there. And you ARE wayyyyyyyyy hotter than that fake ass bitch who tries to steal every amazing guy. Would you like to know how i know this? Because we're real ladies. Not fake ones who fake bake every day and have multiple surgeries to try and fix their imperfections. The imperfections that make each individual an individual. I'm so sick of Hollywood trying to tell us what we're supposed to look like, and how big we're supposed to be, and what we should wear, and what we shouldn't do. Ah seriously? I do not think so. Every woman should love themselves, and should accept every compliment that you get. Life is too short to worry about comparing yourself to some size 00 bitch with fake hair, fake teeth, fake tan, fake boobs, and to top it off a fake personality. And if a guy chooses that kind of girl over the kind of girl you are trying to be true to, then he can have her. They were meant to be. I will never sacrifice my coolness to try and be someone I'm not. And neither should you! xoxo, L