Good Guy
Now. From experience...I've dated a few bad guys and a few good guys. And while they both have their own ups and downs, you should probably go for good guys in the end.
Bad boys tend to go more for one night stands and ditzy blondes. Very stereotypical, I know. But we live in a world ran by stereotypes. Truth.
And the truth hurts, but I dont see nerdy dudes tearing girls' hearts out and feeding them to the dogs. Do you? I mean you have a few exceptions here and there, but overall, no.
But girls tend to be shallow from time to time, and shit happens, and you find the guy with the bad ass tattoos and spiked hair to be smokin hot. And one thing may lead to another, and then he doesn't call you. And stops communication all together, and it wasnt you, it was him speech, and this and that. And he's feeding your heart to the dogs on a silver platter.
So ladies. We need to look past all that hair gel and ink and bad ass-ness, and go for whats important.
Someone who will make us truly happy.
This is a little harder than you think. But if you're patient, it will happen. Let fate run it's course. And if you wanna date a few bad dick heads along the way, feel free. But don't forget to give the good guys a chance too...
I prefer nerds myself =]
Live Long and Prosper.

Marry me Zachary Quinto. K thanks