Thursday, February 26, 2009

the BEST ever magazine

When the new month rolls around, We can be seen at the Wal-Mart checkout loaded up with this months magazines. Cosmopolotian, a must it's known as the woman's bible. Glamour, to me is just as good as Cosmo, but it never ever has the same things in it. People-it's the one tabloid that you can believe. The Alternative Press-Lacey loves it. But this is the one that is so awesome, that YOU MUST READ IT. It can't be found on just anyold newstand, I found it at Bookworld one hot summer day, and have been forever changed. It's called Missbehave. you can find it online at Photobucket It's amazing. It's perfect. It's written bye girls that I would actully want to party with. xo k

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doing it Yourself

Doing it Yourself
*This may get a little racy or inappropriate for some...just to foreworn. But could be quite interesting at the same time. Not too many girls are brave enough to write about this kind of here it goes...
Let me start off by defining what Doing it Yourself means, as some people may be a little confused.
  • Well in general terms it means masturbating I suppose. That's the simplest explanation.

Whether you use objects such as vibrators, pocket rockets, dildos, or yourself. Your own hand. There are many ways to Doing it Yourself. And all can be very enjoyable.

I am a firm believer that every girl should Do it Themselves from time to time. Now I'm not saying you have to Do it everyday, twice a day, or three times a week. But I do believe that on a regular basis is a good choice.

You should know what feels good, and how to achieve that by Doing it Yourself, in order for you to show someone else what feels good to you.

It's just common sense. Because if you don't know, how are you supposed to show someone else. And believe me....most of the time you have to show guys what feels good to you. Otherwise they don't know. And a lot of guys(not all) don't really wanna take the time to find out what feels good for you during foreplay. So...

You HAVE to show them.

Which is perfectly fine. But why should guys be the only ones to get off? It's pretty easy for most of them. Repetative motion is good enough to send their heads spinning. And from my experience, most guys aren't too picky how 'it' goes down. As long as it does. Girls usually take a little longer to get off. We're just a lot trickier than guys. For the most part at least. Unless ur some gifted hooker who can get off in 30 seconds by the slightest stimulation. Kudos to you, I guess.

But back to Doing it Yourself.

How often?

Whenever you feel like it. Don't feel guilty because you think you may be Doing it too often. Hell, there are no set rules somewhere that you're not aware of. Whenever you feel like Doing it, Do it. For real. I mean within reason....not at the kitchen table during Thanksgiving dinner. That's a little inappropriate. Ha. At least excuse yourself to the restroom.

I have found that the more often I Do it myself, the more relaxed, happier, and care free I tend to be. Now I'm not a 100% certain that this is true, but I'm 89% certain that it is. Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse to Do it myself. Whatever. =]

Different Ways

There are many many different tools that can be used to Do it Yourself nowadays. When I say many, I mean millions. The best place to get some of these certain tools would be at your local porn shop. And if you don't have a local one, any one will do. I would not reccomend gettting a vibrator or dildo that is 3ft long though. Porn shops have some crazy things, and this should not be one of the things that you are purchasing. Unless you're crazy, then by all means. Go for it you weirdo. The best kind of vibrator I would reccommend purchasing is roughly around 50-60 dollars, and believe me, it's worth it. It comes with something called a clitoris stimulator(which is really what you're going for) that is kind of mounted on top of the vibrator. Wow. Amazing.

Or you can just buy your standard pocket rocket, which works for some girls too. I am not one of them. But I have heard that it works for some. Pocket rockets tend to run a little cheaper than your average vibrator and may be better for beginners.

Or if you don't feel like purchasing any tools to Do it Yourself. Yourself is just fine too. Get to know your body, and don't be ashamed. A bolt of lighting will not come down and smite you or whatever. I promise.

And I promise that no matter how many girls say that they don't Do it Themselves, they actually do. They're just to scared or whatever to be open and honest about their body. That's their issue, and doesn't have to be one for you. The only way to find out what you like, is to find out yourself. You'll truly be able to enjoy any sexual experience better. I promise.

xoxo L