Lesson 1- Guys love being off the hook. Basically don't pressure them so much. Don't worry about if this dude is going to be your boy friend, or a boy that's your friend. Just let it happen. When it's right, you'll both know.
Lesson 2-Guys live in the present. Never act all wifey to show that you'll be perfect. Who is planning that far ahead?! Have fun, party, go out, try new things. Who know's what'll happen
Lesson 3-Guys like to be liked. No matter his little quips, don't freak out about them. Unless it's one that you can't stand. (like he plays multiplayer computer games for hours or something that is not cool.) If a guy compliments you or dresses different or just wants to hang out, just roll with it! It's who he is!
Lesson 4- Guys like independent chicks. This is my favorite, DO WHAT YOU WANT. Don't sit around waiting for him to call, don't change plans just for him, do what you want. Guys want what they can't have. But don't make them feel like it's unattainable. And don't be a tease all the time!
Lesson 5-Guys love being admired. Of course us ladies do to, but don't be afraid to tell him how rad he is, or how you got lucky to be admired by such a hottie, or how you envy his lifestyle! It makes him, feel just as good as it makes you feel when he tells you such things.
So, I am taking this to heart. I'm just going with the flow, I'm not over thinking anything, I'm going to do what I want. This week, I had the chance to hang out with a dude (sure it wasn't that good of an idea most likely) but it was the first time in a LONG time I was going to do what I wanted to and I wasn't going to over think it! But then he cancelled :( But it makes me feel good that it was the first time, I wouldn't have done what everyone else wanted me to do.
Keep this in mind.
It's been working GREAT for me in the recent days!