Monday, November 16, 2009

The L Word

..and I don't mean Lesbian. I'm talking about this little thing called..

And what it does to us. How it makes us feel. How it can tear a person down. How it can lift a person up. The complications it entails. The tears. The smiles. And why it's so hard for a guy to say. Understand. Do. Give. Return. Show.

Oh, this could be a long blog...

I like love. You like love. Hell, we all like love. Or at least we should. So why is it so hard to show sometimes? I mean, it honestly shouldn't be such a difficult thing. In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful things we can experience in life, and yet so many people are scared of it. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever!

When I love someone, I want to show them all the time how much I care for them. But I have yet to find someone who is willing to reciprocate these feelings. And this sucks. Grrrr.

Now, when it comes to 'love' there are many different kinds of love you can experience. Well, actually I take that back. People confuse the different kindsof love ALLLLLLL the time. So maybe I should classify them first.

Lust-love: Not real love. Pure sexual and physical thoughts/attractions/feelings. Often confused with love.

Sex-love: Is sex. I want you on top of me kind of feelings. Often confused with love.

Convenient-love: You're here and I'm here and we're single at the moment. Let's not be in love now, but have 'something' until something/someone better comes along. Often goes along with lust.

Love-love: Unconditional and immense feelings for another person. You would do anything for the person you have these feelings for.

So, why is it so hard to find the love-love that soooo many people desire? Probably because people aren't patient enough to let fate work it's magic and make it happen. OR because people don't know how to love-love. They're more interested in the sex or the lust or the convenience of another person, rather than getting to know them and give love-love a chance. OR what I've came across manyatimes....

THEY'RE SCARED. That's all. The end. Scared of what you may ask?

Hell if I knew that, I would have all the answers in life. Let me ponder this...Maybe scared that other singles wouldn't find them as attractive if they actually loved someone else, maybe they're scared they'd have less sexual appeal? Well that's retarded. Scared that they could actually be happy? That's just as retarded as my first suggestion. But it may make sense...scared they could be happy enough to be in love with this one person that they may 'miss' out on other chances? I don't know.

It all seems pretty ridiculous to me. Love is love. And it should be experienced by everyone. It does not judge. It doesn't discriminate. So why can it be so difficult for someone to show their emotions of love for someone else? Ugh. This I will never know. You could be willing to give your all to someone and yet, they're not ready to do the same. So what should you do in a situation like this?

You have many options. And there are many different situations. But if the situation is pretty much black and white with not a lot of gray areas to it, (meaning youre not in an abusive 'relationship', verbal or physical, or anything of the sort) and they're just not returning the love. Then maybe you could give up. Or maybe you should continue to love this person. I mean let's be real here. You shouldn't keep giving and giving without getting. But if you LOVE this person, actually love them, then it's not an easy thing to give up.

Make them know that you love them. And make them know that you're willing to make it work. But it has to be a shared emotion. If they still don't want to show you love, then show them the door. Simple, right? I wish.
