Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why boys lie

Well I would first like to start off by saying.... Boys: You lie, you cheat, you keep secerets, you flirt, you break our hearts, you put us up only to put us down, you decieve, you tempt, you take, you steal, you try to conquer... but all in all. You fail. Why? Because we're stronger and better at all of this... [All of it] You will get caught. Maybe not right away, but sooner or later fate will catch up with you, and you'll be sorry. So. Here's where I start. And "they" always start the same way. No matter who the person. So I guess you could say that this particular blog isn't just about one guy; it's about guys in GENERAL. And I mean general in the utmost of general, basic, and lame terms. Lame...for real. We all wonder why boys lie. Do we not? Myself in particular, have dealt with many liars. They all have the same techniques: hiding/deleting texts, putting lock codes on EVERYTHING, making up lame excuses for where they were and what they were "doing" or shall I say who[(out with the boys) okay ur boys don't really like you THAT much], putting the blame back on you, like them lying and being a complete ass is your fault, some miraculous way, getting really mad at you to try and use some stupid kind of reverse psychology. ...Um hello. Only girls are good at that kind of stuff. Boys are not creative enough to use reverse psychology. Just doesn't work. And ur putting us to shame trying to use it. So just stop. Scenario (because you know I have one): Girl(me) meets boy(him), they date and everything is great. BUT he's a pretty big flirt (I'll write another blog on flirting later), with well any girl he pretty much encounters. Particularly every fucking female coworker he has. Okay, so being the decent girlfriend that I am, I get a little jealous. Really jealous maybe. His excuse: "That's just the way he is." Notice I quoted that. Lie number one. Okay. No one is just that way. It just doesn't happen. Okay. Blonde hair does not mean moron or airhead. I wasn't born yesterday. So, I'm a little paranoid because he flirts all the time. Which I believe is normal. I go through his texts. Yeah, maybe a little too far. But ah whatev. I find out that he was talking to lots of girls in texts, saying that he would help them with their laundry and other stupid shit. Now what does laundry mean in reality. I have no idea. Whatever. I confront him. He uses another technique: WHY WERE YOU LOOKING IN MY PHONE?? WHAT YOU DON'T TRUST ME?!?!?(meaning he's yelling at me blah blah blah, trying to use the reverse psychology thing) LET ME LOOK THROUGH YOUR PHONE, I BET YOU TEXT LOTS OF BOYS...BLAH BLAH, (INSERT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT HERE). Oh, and he said that none of the texts meant anything. Lie number two.

Anyway, time goes on, I still don't trust this dude. I'm the kind of girl that goes with my gut feelings, and i never really got a good feeling from this one. idk why. But I followed how I felt. Good thing I did.

So, in the beginning of this relationship he had this gf, that he kinda left to be with me. AW cute right? Yah sure sure. And he told me that he never talked or hung out with her anymore. Okay cool. I believed him. WRONG!

Even after we broke up, he still found a need to lie to me about haning out with other girls....what's the point dude?

He told me that he didnt hang out with his ex anymore, while we were dating and after we were dating. So here makes for an awkward situation:

This guy and I were still friends right? So we went swimming at this waterpark where this specific ex works. He sees her and her friend working, and kinda ignores them. Idk if it was cause he was with me and drama drama. A few weeks go by and I ask him if he wants to go swimming at this same waterpark. He says no. He doesnt like that waterpark and idk makes up some other stupid excuse. Lie number 3.

The real reason he doesn't want to go is because: he still has some deep down feelings for his ex gf and doesnt want her to see me and him together, in hopes that they might some day work things out. You know what he says when I tell him this theory??? He says I'm wrong, that he doesn't hang out or want anything to do with this chick anymore. End quote.


Now I'm not a spy, but I always happen to run into the juicy details on myspace or facebook. (which btw, are public profiles for the most part, and if you don't want some secret that you have on there getting out, then you shouldn't have the fucking things in the first place. MORON) So what do I see when I'm doing a random browse through a mutual friends profile? Well my ex and his ex, oh and her friend that also works at the waterpark, in a fucking adorable(and there should be a strong emphasis on adorable) picture of the three of them together in a photo booth. Hmmm interesting. I mean since he told me that they don't hang out anymore.

Yet another lie.

Wanna know how I know this picture is recent? 1)he's wearing his stupid eskimo hat, that he seems to think is sooo cool 2) and his ex has the stupid hair cut that she now recently has. oh and troll nose too.

But what makes me kinda chuckle inside, is his response. WHAT ARE YOU DOING SPYING ON ME! IT'S RUDE AND IMMATURE, BLAH BLAH. Excuse me? I'm not some detective. I was on myspace. A PUBLIC PLACE FOR FRIENDS. The picture was her display picture. Get over yourself. You're not lucky enough for me to spy on you.

So guys, like I said at the beginning, don't lie. We always find out.

The end.

Friday, January 16, 2009


So, the worst part of winter is the days when it's cold. and I mean COLD. This morning the theometer on the truck said -27. That is wayyyyyyyy colder than a witches titty. It is too cold to do much here even being outside is horriable. at least it's good weather to share body heat. and that works best when you have no clothes on ;)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

day one

Day one went well. Probally becuase I didn't go anywhere to see boys. and I figured out why I don't wanna meet that facebook dude. He wants to meet in a parking lot. wtf! I am better than a parking lot hook up! If he doesn't wanna be seen in a real place with me, then I don't wanna be caught dead in a parking lot with him! k

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i don't know what to call this.

Who hasn't heard of Supersize Me? Well, I am going to not worry about boys for a month. I need someground rules.
  • I will not flirt with boys
  • I will only talk to boys if they talk to me first
  • I will not send naughty texts
  • I will not complain about single life
  • I will do this
I will start tomorrow, which is perfect since by then it will be almost Valentines day, and maybe it will make me bring back my romantic side. I can hope at least.

The Way I Are

So, we have all heard, They Way I Are, sung by Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson, and I everytime I hear it I can NOT get over how weird it is! He says: "I ain't got no money, I ain't got no car to take you on a date, I can't even buy you flowers, but together we'll be the perfect soulmates, Talk to me girl" And she comes back with : Oh, baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me, If we go there, you can still touch my love, it's free, We can work without the perks just you and me OK! SO, What girl in her right mind would be fine with a guy that doesn't have a car or a job or can't even take you on a date! LAME! No girl in her right mind should date a slacker like that! You will always be giving him some extra cash, you will always be paying for dates, food, gas, movies, his soda, all that crap. Why waste the money you work hard to get on some loser? I know I'm never gonna date a millionaire, but he still better have a job, and some money he can spend, becuase I would rather be single for life than waste my money on a loser. K

Monday, January 12, 2009

the girlies

I think that every girl needs a group of friends. A group of friends you will share ANYTHING with, even your panties and deep dark secrets. I have such a group. They are my vixens. And they mean the world to me. They do not care that I cellulite, smelly farts, and get cranky on long summer days. They love me for the way I laugh so hard I cry, and how I buy them porn and booze, and how I drive them home in my adorable new car, and I try to be outgoing for them. Well it's hard when you are kinda worry about your body image. And I am not sure that I am all that cool, but they seem to like me. I would do just about anything for the vixens, drive them to the abortion clinic, push their car outta the snow drift, check their oil, or even let them borrow a pair of panties. I think that if it wasn't for these girls, I wouldn't be who I am today, and I am happy that they are hear to listen to me vent about the bitch at Showtime Video, or just listen to how cute newborn lambs are. Yes, these ladies have helped to shape me into the woman that I am today. K

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Truth. Bitches

Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes that's what guys need to hear. Sometimes you just have to be brutally honest with them, or they will simply NOT GET IT! It's as if we, as women, speak some kind of foreign language to them. You can give them as many sublte hints as you want, but in the end, they're still going to be dumb about it. And still aren't going to understand. Lame I know. But true. Scenario: I met this dude at this bar right, and he was waaaayy cool, and kind smooth I guess you could say. Let's call him Matt, for all intensive purposes. This is not his real name, but anyway. I meet him at a bar(refer to other blog, about not meeting guys at bars) and he's flirty with me and just so casual and calm. He almost mesmerizes me. Weird right? And did I mention I was not drunk, and I thought he was soooo cool. He was well, wasted! But whatever, what's the harm in giving him my number, so I did. AND he called me. Okay so it's going good right? Blah blah, we hang out a few times, I think I might like him. A little. IDK for sure though. Well he turns out to be a douche. Hardcore douche. He's in the bar every other night, if not every night. Matt doesn't have a job, and isn't even really motivated to look for one. But I was so dazzled by his charming personality, that I was kinda okay with the fact that he is/was a lazy bum. He made me laugh a lot, and we had tons of fun when we were together. Anyway...a few months pass by. This dude still has no job, and STILL goes out, well way more than he should. Well Matt, being the cool dude that he thinks he is, uses the new year as a resolution to make his life better, and change. By this time, I've told him that I liked him, and he expresses mutual feelings, BUT didn't wanna get into anything too serious. In other words...I still wanna hang out with you and make out and whatever, but I don't want any attachments, I don't wanna tell my friends about you, I wanna keep my options open incase some other fly ass bitch comes around, and I don't wanna change..I still wanna be some lazy asshole. Okay so I kinda got it. I was brutally honest with myself. Because ladies, IF YOU AREN'T HONEST WITH YOURSELF, WHO ELSE IS GOING TO BE? And I just went with the flow. Whatever happened, happened. Fate and all that jazz. Well this is my inspiration for the bros before hoes blog as well. So you can see how much of a dick this Matt guys is right? Okay so he said, I'll come visit you at work, one night. Awesome. Cool. Well my shift rolls on by, and no text, no call. Whatever. What did I do? Fuck him. I was brutally honest. He's a dick, and someone needs to tell him, cause obviously he thinks he's some kind of gift to women. HA HA. Joke. I told him he has no life and he needs to get it together, and I could not hang out with him anymore. His response... wow. And some other lame excuse why he couldn't visit me, or let alone text me to say he's not making it. (He was hung over) Fuck him. You should never let some guy push you around and use you like ur some kind of piece of ass. Unless that's what ur into. IDK. But I'm not. Be honest. Tell him to climb up a high tree, and I mean a really high one, and fall. Make sure he hits all the branches on the way down. And then move on.... If he's really not that into you, then you really shouldn't be that into wasting ur time on him. L

Admit it. It flatters you too!

So, once upon a time, this dude added me to his friends on facebook. And we had like, four friends in common. And I thought to myself, "Do I know him?" and then I was like "Well...maybe I have met him, but just don't remember it." So I added him to my friends since he was also wearing a baseball uniform, and it's a wide known fact that baseball players are hot, most of them anyway. So then we were friends on facebook for a coons age (aka country talk for a long time). So, then over the summer he started to poke me on facebook. And I REALLY like to poke back so, I did. Then he started to send me messages on facebook saying we should meet up. I was like, well come into my work. Then I got a cell phone and could text, and he asked me for my phone number, and I was like...well why not? So, then he texted me all the time. And it was cool, here was a boy that wanted to talk to me. And because he wanted to talk to me, I talked back. Why? Becuase it flatters me when a boy wants to talk to me! I can't say no! Then he was asking me all the time to meet up and make out. And I am not at all comfortable with all the idea of that. So I said no. But the best part was when I sent him a naughty picture once, and he asked if he was the only one to get to see the picture. And I said, No. And he was like, oh..I thought I was special. LMFAO! He thought he was special! HAHA! he says he wants to meet me and hang out. well...I am not all that sure about it. It makes me nervous. What if he sees me and is like...ewww. What if I see him and am like...EWWWW! And when a boy talks to you, and keeps talking to you...It flatters you. You know it. I know it. K