Sunday, January 11, 2009

Admit it. It flatters you too!

So, once upon a time, this dude added me to his friends on facebook. And we had like, four friends in common. And I thought to myself, "Do I know him?" and then I was like "Well...maybe I have met him, but just don't remember it." So I added him to my friends since he was also wearing a baseball uniform, and it's a wide known fact that baseball players are hot, most of them anyway. So then we were friends on facebook for a coons age (aka country talk for a long time). So, then over the summer he started to poke me on facebook. And I REALLY like to poke back so, I did. Then he started to send me messages on facebook saying we should meet up. I was like, well come into my work. Then I got a cell phone and could text, and he asked me for my phone number, and I was like...well why not? So, then he texted me all the time. And it was cool, here was a boy that wanted to talk to me. And because he wanted to talk to me, I talked back. Why? Becuase it flatters me when a boy wants to talk to me! I can't say no! Then he was asking me all the time to meet up and make out. And I am not at all comfortable with all the idea of that. So I said no. But the best part was when I sent him a naughty picture once, and he asked if he was the only one to get to see the picture. And I said, No. And he was like, oh..I thought I was special. LMFAO! He thought he was special! HAHA! he says he wants to meet me and hang out. well...I am not all that sure about it. It makes me nervous. What if he sees me and is like...ewww. What if I see him and am like...EWWWW! And when a boy talks to you, and keeps talking to you...It flatters you. You know it. I know it. K

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