When is enough, enough?
When will you stand up for yourself and call it quits?
In all reality, you're just going to get hurt in the end. Which is never a good thing. So why waste your time? You might as well be honest with yourself and this other person from the get-go. Here's what my observations and experiences have taught me:
So let's say you're seeing this guy, and by seeing I mean it's not official, and things seem to be going okay. But then he kind of loses interest or that's what it seems like. He doesn't text/call you as often as he used to, and when he does, it just doesn't seem the same.
You start to think that something is going on...something is fishy.
Well to be perfectly honest. You're right. Something is going on, something is fishy about this situation. But are you going to sit by and just let that happen? I dont know. That's something you've got to ask yourself.
I've let situations like this just happen, and guess what it got me? Heartache and denial. I was in denial with myself, and thought that if I just let the situation work itself out, that all would be okay. And rainbows and sunshine and whatever. Wrong!
Here's what you have to do. You have to be honest with this guy. You have to be honest with yourself.
Simply approach him and cut the crap. Save yourself the beating around the bush bullshit and confront him head on. Because honesty is the best policy, right? Right.
Ask him what his deal is. And tell him that you dont feel like wasting your time. Because if he's not into you, then he's not into you. And if that's the case then you shouldn't be wasting YOUR time, trying to be into to him either. You could be making waffles and being into someone else, rather than this douche bag who cannot make up his mind whether or not he wants to make waffles with you.
Hopefully when you're brutally honest with him, he'll see that you're truly interested in him, and that you're not going to wait around forever. Maybe that will give him the initiative to do something about it. And if it doesnt, well then he's not worth it.
Time to cut the cord and let this one go. Trust me.