Saturday, January 10, 2009
Boys are not friends.
Is it possible to just be JUST friends with a guy?
I mean, I seriously doubt it.
Unless this guy has been ur friend for like, ever, already. But otherwise, I don't think it's a real possibility to be friends with a guy, without having some kind of sexual attraction.
And jealousy. AHHH. Stupid guys.
By sexual attraction I mean. NO flirting, NO undressing them with ur eyes, or undressing them physically, NO touching/kissing/etc etc, NO dirty thoughts. NOTHING.
Which is very frustrating. IDK sometimes I think that guys are able to break this bond. OR maybe that's all they want girls for. Something sexual. I'm truly starting to believe this. EVERY guy I've met within the past, oh, maybe 6 months...has tried to get in my pants. Not just be my friend. And if I wanna be something more than friends, they all of a sudden JUST want to be friends, or that stupid friends with benefits.
Here's the conclusion I've came to. Guys are jerks, and you cannot trust them.
You just can't, and it's a waste of ur time to try.
Good luck trying to make any kind of friendship with them. That is also impossible.
Impossibly impossible. They have no consideration for your feelings, only their own.
Fuck boys. Not literally. Unless it's in their ass, with a sharp object. And it causes pain and agony.
Idk if this blog really is helping anyone out, but it made me feel better. FO SHO.
note to all girls....
fyi-NEVER give out your phone number to guys that work in the lake delton walmart-tire dept. lacey and I did, and he is a creeper! he texts us at like 2 am, and asked me to do stuff with him for money! ewww!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Girls with Cats
We hear all the time how girls with cats are destined to be single forever. It's not like I would rather be at home on a Friday night with my cat than out with my friends! It's just nice to have someone that needs you. My cat can not open his food container by himself. Or but more water in his bowl. And it's not like he can open the door by himself to go play outside. And when I do get home, he is happy to see me. He will sit on my lap when I watch TV or curl up on the back of the recliner. And when I go to bed, he will curl up beside me. He is kinda weird in his own way, but he will never disappoint me like a boy will. He will never break my heart. He doesn't care if I look good or not. I don't have to impress him. I think every girl should get a cat, and if they want one, we have some barn kitties that would just love to live in a house!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Red Lipstick
- When you have pale white skin, it will POP more.
- Don't overdo the rest of your make up and accessories otherwise you will look like a tramp.
- I guess it helps if you line your lips so the lipstick won't bleed and look smudgy.
- Find a red that looks good on you. This will take the most time. But honestly can you ever go wrong with Fire Engine Red?
- When you wear it be prepared to get looks and glances. Come up with an alias. She can rock it if you are still a little too shy.
- Wear it with your LBD, pearls, and patent leather pumps. This look is not only classy it has been around for a lifetime and we all have our own twists on it, so make it work for you.
What you shouldn't give up
Your independence as a person
The right to wear no make-up on an 'off' day
Being able to be a bitch, every once in a while
Your sense of self
Your confidence
Your pool house, car, or millions of dollars in a relationship
Your lust instead of love on/off switch. (Every girl has one)
Being young at heart
Those jeans that fit just right...even if they have a million and one holes in them
Your old teddy bear
Your heart
Your friends for a boy
Your composure in a sticky situation
You should never give up anything that will compromise who you really are. Because before too long, you'll forget the person you used to be. And that's no good.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
For some reason I have been blessed with an amazing pair of boobs. I never showed them to anyone until I was about 21. He was some guy that was my friend on facebook and had msn. and I had a webcam! yay! well i don't know what got into me, so i just pulled my shirt down and showed him. it was empowering. i had never done anything like that. the next day the girls i work with looked at me and asked if i was on drugs! well i am not cuz drugs ARE NOT COOL. then when i was at Mrs. Icka's bachelorette party we snuck into the infinity pool at the wilderness on the lake (that isn't on a lake for the time being) and i flashed people. i felt naughty. well then it got to the point where i would take pics of my boobs to send them to dudes. it makes me feel sooo naughty. and i can't lie it empowers me to know that i have made there day. something that i see everyday can bring so much joy to someone else! weird. but latley they have gotten me in trouble my dd's have been yelled at by my former principal while i attended an after school function. (sorry I am 21 and feel damn proud of my body!) and in 2 seconds he shattered my self confidence. how is that possible?! something that can be so powerful can make me feel dirty. i layed in bed for a long time mad at myself for being so different. then there was halloween when i got drunk and showed them to this dude that i know. i feel horrible about it. cuz i let him feel me up! what is wrong with me! then he made me feel like a douche for being old fashioned and still being a virgin. whatever. i have now decided that he will never get lucky enough to see them again.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Men and Alcohol
Alcohol is a strong, addictive thing that a lot of people use as an excuse...for whatever it may be that they need an excuse for.
I have found that when you mix alcohol and men it doesn't usually go over well.
Feelings get compromised, and you usually end up losing the battle in the end.
Now I'm not saying that you can't have a good time and meet new guys, and all the jazz...and maybe even have a nice one nighter..if ur into that sort of thing... But DO NOT get attached to a guy you meet in a bar, or a party...well parties are difficult, and that's a whole other blog....
It usually never works out. Usually. Maybe there's a slim 1 in 100 shot that it will work out, and if you wanna stick around for that heartache, feel free.
Been there, done that. No thanks.
Here's something interesting too...if he confesses his undying love for you the first time you meet him (assuming he's, well...wasted) it's definitely not going to work out. Ditch that dude, cause he has; not only psychological issues, but substance abuse issues as well.
It just doesn't happen. I don't care what kind of fantasy world you're living in. It doesn't.
That guy grinding on you at the club really isn't interested in you. He's only looking for a piece, or trying to show off to his bros.
Where am I going with this....
Oh yes. Be smart. You can still have a good time, maybe exchange numbers, flirt, dance, whatever. But, IF you do exchange numbers:
Let him contact you. And if it takes more than two days for him to get back to you, then he's really not that interested in you, and you shouldn't waste any more of your time. We're not getting any younger here, hello!
Don't wait by your phone continuously. That's it, plain and simple. You're way cooler than that. Be patient, and give it the two day rule.
BUT..if you can't can't can't stand it any longer, try to give him a call/text. If he doesn't respond, let it be. Drop it.
And on a last note...
If you meet this guy at bar, and he's really cool and blah blah blah, but he's at the bar every night or even every other night...don't waste ur time with that either. In all honesty, he probably has twenty other girls that he 'talks' to too. And ur just another fling.
Go to a cafe and meet a nice boy..ya know, those cute nerdy ones =] Or a county fair, or a concert, or a park.
NOT a bar.
Bars are for flirting, and practicing...To meet a cute-nerdy-boy at a cafe.
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