I just want to write about everything. It's been too long.
But! Instead I'm going to write about something I know.
Boys. Because I mean, that's what this blog is about in the first place right???
Okay, so I know it's been an uber long time. So let's review:
Boys for the most part are boys. Not men. Men are a different species, which I have yet to find. I think men are supposed to be some hidden treasure, that when you find them, and the obstacles you run into before you find them, lead you to the right one.
So in saying this...
You know what I dont get?
How most of them can be so damn selfish.
Okay, I'm going to step off of my soapbox for a moment and say that, yes, women can be confusing, bitchy, cold, heartless, ruthless, and whatever. I get it. I'm a chick and I know how we can be. But come on.
Do you really want to know why we're like this? You give us a reason to be. You treat us like shit so we have to be all those things to keep you from hurting us or making us look like the inferior.
I will not be 'shown up' by some guy.
And in the past I've said that not all guys are like this, but come on. They all are. If youre a chick reading this right now and think that your man does not fit into this selfish category, I'm sorry, but he does. You dont see it because he does it behind your back. And you're probably too love drunk to see it.
Trust me. Been there, been love drunk, been used and abused, done that. By this time I suppose Im sounding pretty bitter and spiteful. Well damnit, I am. If you follow this blog and the personal ones that we have, you'll understand why I'm so bitter.
Boys suck. They have cooties and they suck. And let me tell you what. You think that you find a really good guy, like genuinely good, like hey mom look at this good guy that i found...good...and he turns out to be a video game-momma's boy-im better than everyone-and you suck-im awful in bed-i have no ambition-or goals-i cant afford to pay for-anything-kind of douche.
Very frustrating.
But to top it off and along with their selfishness, comes their arrogance and ignorance. They all go hand in hand. You know what I'm talking about ladies, because I'm sure they've pulled out all stops on you. And you just wonder if there really is a good guy out there. Im sure you sit there and really ponder and contemplate whether or not you should start collecting cats because you wonder if you'll be alone...and stocking up on cats now is better than later.
Hell. I know that I do that. And hell. If that's what it comes down to, then so be it. I'll be content...because in all honesty, my vibrator does more good and justice than half of the guys that i've been with ever have.
And you know what? My vibrator hates video games.
Enough said.