Now if only they sounded as amazing as this
picture. Oh wait! They do! Hot nerds?!?!
Check out: im not coming to your party, richman, starstrukk.

Check out: obvious, set off, run dont walk.
Not only does John Ohhh have uber amazing hair, but his vocal cords make me wanna melt. Literally. I think I love him. Wow. Oh, not to mention they're utterly genius.
Check out: you left me, i wanna love you, i must be dreaming, girls do what they want.
1. They have a chic rockin out in their band. 2. I love every single song they produce. 3. They rock live. 4. This list is endless. Not to mention they're the only reason snakes on a plane was somewhat cool.
Check out: prostitution is the world's oldest profession, hot mess, guilty pleasure.
Not only are they my jewish boyfriends(yes all of them). The way they move, sing, and fit into those tight multi colored jeans, makes me want to ahhhhhhh. Well. Enough of that.
Check out: sugar rush, cash cash, party in your bedroom.
Breathe Carolina.
How i love thee. a lot. their electronic, quirky lyrics, will have you rockin out all day. or you'll jam out with your clam out for sure! not to mention they amaze me live too!
Check out: dressed up to undress, the birds and the bees, i ruin dreams not nightmares, gossip.
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