You know the type. The ones that make the rest of our lives miserable! The kind of girls we want to take out back and kick in the face.
The type of girls that wear the Ugg boots with the coach purses who fake bake every damn day, and cake on the make up to hide their insecurities.
The kind of girl who belittles the average and rad girls, to make themselves feel better.
The girl who talks so much shit behind your back without even knowing you as a person. That doesnt matter though, as long as she feels a little better deep inside.
I hate your guts. Every thing about you. I hate the fact that you think you are better than me. I hate the fact that you think you can get away with anything. I hate the fact you think you're prettier than I am. I hate the fact you treat guys like shit and give girls a bad name. I hate the fact you don't care about other people's emotions. I hate the fact that you need material things in your life to be happy. I hate the fact that you judge me and don't know me. I hate the fact that you're completely fake.
What's it like to wake up every morning and know that your life is a joke?
What's it like to know that you will never ever know the true meaning of life and what's really important?
What's it like to know that YOU don't even like yourself?
Hmmm. I wouldn't know. =]
And for the rest of the non-bitchy girls in the world. Be strong, loud, proud and confident. The girls out there who judge you for who you truly are, need to be kicked in the teeth. Who are they to judge you!? Who are they to tell you what's right and what's not?
They're no one!
And that's just it. You have to treat them like they're no one in order to survive in this cat fight. Let them judge you and belittle you, because it doesn't matter. Continue to be the amazzzzing chic you are.
The day will come when they're 40 and they'll wake up and wonder what they've been doing with their life. And why they're married to an abusive jerk who has money, and why their life has no purpose and meaining. They'll wonder why they have no friends and no accomplishments. And we can sit back and laugh.
Karma is a bitch. Remember.
Half of the time they're jealous of your awesome-ness anyway.
So fuck 'em.
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