Monday, August 31, 2009

The option

I would just to start off by saying, I'm angry. This is the emotion I'm feeling as I write this. So you go through life thinking you have options, right? Well this is a half truth. You do have options, but dont you dare think that they are endless options. Because sadly, they are not. I have learned the hard way far too too many times. Choices are all around you, and every single damn day of your life you are handed new choices and new options. Every day. (wow I'm so angry I cant even string together sentences in my head. Irate. Furious.) Okay. So hypothetically, lets say that you are given an option that is presented to you by a boy. A boy that you claimed to be head over heels for. A boy who claimed to like you just as much. Now these are just on hypothetical terms of course. So this option, if you will, seems to be a pretty decent one. He says he's serious about it too. Whoa. Something serious coming from the opposite sex. That rarely ever fucking happens! ....oh and make sure you keep this in mind. ..back to my hypothetical story.... So he's serious, right. Get it, got it. Hmmm, then all of a sudden. Poof! Nope, just kidding! Sorry to get your hopes up, once again. You retarded girl. This option has flown the coop. No more decision making there, no choice involved on your part. Cause well, he just took that opportunity away. hmm shit out of luck arent ya? Soooo. What am I trying to get at? Okay.... YOU, as a beautiful, independent woman, should learn from my mistake. YOU have to make your own choices, and have your own options in your own life. Do NOT sit around and wait for the male species to try and present some form of choice for you to ponder upon. Because chances are they're going to change their mind. Guys change their mind more often than the weather changes in Wisconsin. If you want something out of life, YOU have to go for it. YOU have to want it, and do something about it. I'm done waiting. I'm done trying to maybe depend on the opposite in the slightest amount whatsoever. I loathe men. And am done playing stupid petty little mind games. It's way too difficult, and way too overrated. I now realize why I am single. The fucking marvelous end! xoooo, L

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