Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Job Promotions!
As a successful or semi/trying to be-successful woman, I didnt' want to over step my boundaries and ruin my chances of climbing the corporate ladder. I mean, who wants to get shot down and feel like an ass, and then have to deal with that awkward, oh hey, kind of phase with your coworkers/boss.
I dont.
What's a good way to approach this situation?
And of course, depending on where you work and what kind of job you have, the situation will differ.
I think in order to ask for a promotion, you have to deserve one. Being at a job for a month or two and doing semi-alright kind of work, will not count. You don't derserve anything then. BUT! If you've been at your place of employment for I'd say, more than 3 or 4 months, and have a pretty good feel for the place...that's a start. I also think, that you have to had shown really awesome work ethics. Like coming in on your days off and working extra hours. And I think a little butt kissing is okay too. You really have to be on good terms with your upper management, otherwise any of kind of promotion is definitely not going to happen. Now Im not saying you should kiss management's ass and do whatever they say, but you have to be willing to work with them and show leadership skills at the same time.
On a side note. If you're one of those girls who tends to start drama in the workplace, I think you can kiss any kind of promotion in the ass. Because most management doesnt like a bitchy little girl. Just saying =]
So once you feel that you've been doing a pretty rockin' job, at your job, then it's time to ask for that promotion you've wanting!
So, here's what I would do next: Go to upper management, or your supervisor, and ask them what requirements are needed to be promoted. Honestly. You won't come off as being pushy or anything of the sort. By asking what you need to do, they're going to know that you're interested in a promotion and more responsibility. Which will look good on your behalf.
But that way you know what you need to do to excel. Whether it may be, increasing your numbers or doing a little more here or there.
After you're doing hardwork and excelling, going a little above and beyond, then it's time to ask for that promotion! And make sure you're confident and ready to accept it when your approach management about it. Be prepared to take on the extra responsibility that will come with it. Because by getting that raise, comes a more work. Remember that.
Don't be afraid to take risks and ask for more money! I mean, what's the worst that could happen??
You'll get fired. (then you can collect unemployment like the 11% or more of the population)
Good Luck!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
We all take things too personal. Too Far.
We all deserve second chances.
And we all deserve the good things in life.
Like great friends and amazing memories.
Vixens are there for each other until the very end.
No matter what.
So if you're holding grudges or malice towards someone.
Let it go.
Life is too short, and we will all die some day.
I'd rather be happy and have forgiveness for my mistakes and those of others, then be unhappy and get upset about every little thing that happens in life.
I'm sorry. I'm human, and you're human.
We all are.
We're all vixens at heart.
And that's what I love about you.
Monday, October 11, 2010
We're Better @ It.
We Fail.
So, I know it's lame, but in real life I can't seem to meet boys.
So I rely on the genius that is OK Cupid. I can browse a profile, chat, send email, and all that good stuff to see if I really even like someone. Usually after a while I will meet someone, then we'll add each other on Facebook and Chat on there, or sometimes MSN. Sometimes if I meet someone cool, I will give them my number so we can text.
Well, I did meet a kinda cool guy, and we talked a little, but then I got a bit depressed and didn't talk to anyone but I did notice that on Facebook, his relationship status changed, and then about a week later, we started talking more, I didn't say anything about him having a girlfriend, but then when I realized I might like him, I asked if he was single.
He said he was. But then I realized, I could like this guy and date him. I looked at his facebook. There was a picture of him. And a girl. I mean, I have pics of me and boys. But the banter between him and friends in the comments seemed to indicate that they are boyfriend and girlfriend. And then by looking at her profile, it was confirmed.
I confronted him about it. And ask if He's Sure He's Single. He said Yea.
Then he asked why. And I told him what I found. And he said "I hope we can still be friends."
I just don't get it.
Why Lie?
Why tell me that you want to have a romantic relationship with me?
Does this girl know? I kind of want to tell her to keep a tighter leash on her boyfriend.
I don't have a problem with being part of his rotating posse of women, but what's the use in telling me you like me, if in the end you don't?
Let's be honest. I have like multiple boys. I don't date any of them. I don't lead them on. I don't post pictures on Facebook for them to see. A girl is better at covering her tracks, and a girl is better at finding these things out.
It makes me happy to know, that this girl will find some track he didn't cover, and dump him.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
making waffles
I figured, well what the hey! Why not! He didn't say anything about just looking for a no strings attached friends sort of deal, and a picture of his penis wasn't included, so it seemed pretty legit.
Well, I messaged him, and didn't hear anything back for a bit, but it didn't really surprise me, but then I did. and he seemed cool. And after a little bit he told me to text him cuz it would just be easier.
Well, he seemed like a nice guy. and then while we where texting he asked me something facebook couldn't tell him about me, so I mentioned that I really liked turtles, and OMG. HE HAS 2 PET TURTLES.
Well, He's pretty smart too. This is how I know:
- I told him to come to Vintage, and he did.
- He talked to everyone.
- He didn't fall off the step when he left, (sure sign a guys no good).
- He was like the coolest guy ever.
- He thinks my Bear drawing is funny.
- He graduated college!
- He has pet turtles.
Well, you don't have to ask me twice! I know, I told Lacey upon leaving that I had no intention of finding out what his penis looks like, but well, I did find out. And I know he said he didn't want to move fast, but we went from meeting to making out to naked in a matter of hours. But, Seriously! He's a total babe!
It's so weird, he's so nice! I never knew that fooling around could last more than 6 minutes, that not all boys taste like cigarettes, that afterward someone would cuddle and not hand me clothes back and go outside to smoke a cigarette, that taking a shower in the worlds smallest shower stall would be fun, or that it's ok to say what I want and what I don't like.
And the best thing is, everyone at Vintage likes him. Cortney told me not to fuck this up. Lacey told me not to break his heart,( let's get this straight, i don't break hearts, I just am to nice to boys that just aren't right!)
So we made waffles, on the second day (I know, I'm an easy slut. Whatever). I can say it was good-ish. I think I'll be a bit more relaxed if I've had a drink or two. I mean this time it was legit first time (I would tell you why but then you'd get grossed out.) So, basically, I'm pretty dang happy on cloud nine right now. I want to flaunt my bite marks to the loser who ditched me, and take him to the resturat the bitch works at and show him off. Call me crazy, but it's good to know that super awesome dudes are out there. cuz, he is most likely the coolest one I've met!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Losing It
And when I imagined having it, it was with someone I liked, in a memorable way.
But, that's not how it happened at all.
On Saturday night, I went to go watch a movie with a boy, at his house.
Halfway through the movie, I decided I didn't really like him.
He kept trying to hold my hand, and that, I thought was weird.
And he kept telling me I was beautiful and that he's surprised their isn't a line of guys to date me.
And then we started to make out, and ya know. I'm a woman, I am not above just using someone for some fun. And then he asked me if I wanted to go into the other room. (Not really, I'm fine on a couch, but whatever) and admist the removal of clothes I kept feeling his penis poking down there, and I would scoot away from it. But it got to the point where I couldn't scoot away anymore. I had my eyes closed and felt something. There. I assumed it was his hand. but then I opened my eyes and realized it wasn't. I'm not sure how it all happend but then he took it out, and I sat up, and he kept telling me he was sorry that he didn't realize...(how do you not realize???) I told him it was fine whatever, then said I needed to go. So I picked up my clothes, and went to the bathroom and got dressed and left. He tried calling me and he texted me. But I didn't want to talk to him. I called my friend, and just cried. I felt so stupid. I still do! I feel stupid for trusting someone, I mean I told him, I didn't want to have sex. Sure it wasn't that day. But when you get a girl that's never done it before, you remember shit like that. Or not, whatever.
So, I have learned
- never take off your panties, they are the last line of defense
- don't close your eyes just becuase you don't want to look at him
- oh, and above all, boys are weird
Monday, July 12, 2010
='s not so =
Before our time, like in the younger years of our grandparents or even their parents, females were not considered equals. They were meant to stay at home, have babies, cook, clean, not have their own thoughts, and sex their man when he wanted it. Which then in turn made more babies for them to cook, clean, and take care of. The men were the primary breadwinners, which I guess gave them the upper hand. Or whatever.
So some years go by, and women start getting jobs, and taking on more of the money responsibility themselves. But at the same time a lot of them still have to to do the at home thing, and take care and raise kids. Which is another full time job in itself...hence why I'm waiting a while before I have kids, but anyway...women have more say in the relationship business. They have more independence and a stronger voice to be heard. Women fight for Equal Rights and become more dominant. And a lot of women start to say screw the 'family scene.'
BUT for those women who don't say screw it to the family scene and are in a relationship, a reoccurring pattern has appeared.
It seems like a lot of people that I know, or people that I see in the media, are not equal as a couple. There is always a dominant breadwinner or 'ruler' of that specific relationship. I just wonder if it's possible to be equal as a couple?
A few years ago, I had a tendency to date dudes who were less of an equal than myself. They couldn't hold a job and never had any real ambition in their lives. Why did I date such douche bags? Well Im pretty sure it was because I liked the thought of being better than that person. Which I realize now is totally absurd, but then I didn't. I guess, because I had a job and real goals in life, that made me better.
You should WANT to date someone who has goals in their life and real ambition. That's just a given. I don't think you should ever have to change your standards or stoop down to meet someone else's level.
No. You both should be on equal levels, standards, ,expectations, or whatevers.
Here's what I think. I think people get lazy. In many ways actually, but from a relationship point of view with an emphasis as equals:
*we date someone who is less of an equal as ourselves because we like to feel superior. It makes us feel good about ourselves.
*if we don't have money/goals/etc., we date someone who does so we can continue on with our lives being the lazy asshole we are.
So instead of being patient, making a few mistakes, and taking a few risks...we settle. Find someone who isn't on our level and just take what we can get. We either give up part of ourself or take a part of someone else.
Ugh, but at the same time I don't want it to seem like you should think you're better than someone else. But let's be real...because that's how it should be...if you're a 20+ yr old with no goals, no job, and no intention of getting one, then I guess I would consider someone with a job and goals more of an individual than the jobless person.
The choice is up to you. Be equals. Or not.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Have you ever thrown a handful of glitter in the air?
from John to Jerad to Mike to Kyle,
I think I am done with falling in like with boys for awhile.
I have been told by all that I am beautiful and smart and funny and sexy and simply amazing.
Well if this is true, why don't they try harder?
I told John that I wanted to make waffles with him, I told Mike he could make waffles with me, but no waffles have been made with me.
And then I find out that most have other girls.
Ok, well I do have other boys I flirt with, but I would stop if it got serious.
But really, how special, beautiful, smart, funny, and amazing am I if they are telling it to another girl?
One that I am fairly certain isn't nearly as amazing as I.
I have gotten to the point where I am tired of trying to find someone to make waffles with,
I am tired of all these pointless guys that I seem to waste my time liking.
Have you ever settled for something becuase you don't think something better likes you?
I don't know what I'm looking for anymore.
I don't know why it's my looks that stun boys first.
It's not like I'm not smart or funny. and I' do this thing called speaking my mind that gets me in trouble.
I must do one of two things, get really dumb, or not be cute anymore.
I have had a hard year.
Last summer, the job that I loved more than anything closed.
Then I didn't have a job for awhile.
Then I was working 2 jobs that made me want to crash my car into a tree.
But I met this guy, and although I wasn't my normal self, it felt nice to not have to worry about work for the few hours we hung out. And I didn't feel like I had to pretend to be someone else for him.
But That all went well.
And then there was Jerad.
He came to town for the car show.
I was totally and completly comfortable with him.
But he didn't make waffles with me.
He said he just wanted booty.
And it seems to me that he has a thing for girls with babies and low self esteem.
which is SO not me.
Then I was content with being friends with benefits with another boy.
But after we met for a second time, he deleted me from facebook.
I wasn't commenting on everything he wrote, hell, I hardly even talked to him,
So I take it I must not be the kind of girl he wants to give him a bj when he's in town.
and them came Kyle.
I met him in a very unconventional way.
But he seemed nice.
I got over douche bags, and comfortable enough with him.
I asked him if he would want to go to the drive in. He seemed very excited about this.
Then the next day he told me, he now has a girlfriend.
But it's nothing I did.
but how special can i really be, if he's telling a girl the same thing as he's telling me?
I've tried my hand at this dating thing.
I've decided I don't like it.
I just feel used.
Douche #1 asked me if he could help me with my waffle problem,
But I honestly feel like after wards, I'd just roll over and cry.
Becuase if he really honestly wants to ditch me to date girls with babies,
What am I then?
I've made some pretty good choices with my life.
But sadly, it looks like this princess will never get her happy ending.
Friday, June 18, 2010
These things I am certain of:::
- If you have a bad feeling nothing can fix it, except confronting it.
- People change, but it won't take long for the pet peeves you had about them to start coming out again.
- Don't settle when it comes to your feelings. (settling for coke over pepsi is ok though.)
- Don't be afraid to let everyone know the real you. Even if she is a blonde barbie doll.
- Don't be afraid to say no to anyone.
- Don't be afraid to say yes to trying anything.
- Never do shots with, 'special favors' for, or touch the naked flesh of anyone call your boss.
- Never forget where you came from.
- Always take time for passion.
- Wedges are always easier to walk in than any other kind of shoe.
- Karma is real.
- Sometimes, what you think is best for you, really isn't.
- Listen to what your friends say about him, they don't have the "he's perfect" goggles on.
- Everyone should have a cat.
- Drivers should always stop and help out a turtle in need of a hand crossing the highway.
- Gay people, would totally make better parents than half the losers who don't understand birth control.
- Edward Cullen is a vampire. But he's not that great.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Womans Work
Sunday, May 30, 2010
a little venting about how i don't ever understand boys
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Naked :: & lovin' it.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Conformity and Society
We, in the United States, have become afraid of being offended. We are offended by body jewelry, body piercing, foreign languages, dissent, questioning authority, non-Christian religions, no religion, socialism, anarchism, anything other than what resides in our suburban SUV-like comfort zones. We are afraid of anything unfamiliar. We attempt to control that which makes us uncomfortable. Institutionalized control, however, necessitates the presence of fear. And, institutionalized fear narrows people's options. And that, of course, is the point. Isn't it?
I didn't write this. But here's what I have to say about it.
Notice that shiny thing in my ear? Well that my friend is a 1/2" gauge/earring. Do you find this to be offensive?
Well apparently some people do.
I went into work tonight (3rd shift) and was told that I could potentially be losing my job because of those shiny little things in my ears. Yup, you heard right. I could lose my job that I've currently had for the past 6 years, because of earrings. I wasn't even given an option to take them out. Just being fired.
What is the world coming to? We're meant to conform to some secret standard. I would honestly like to know who came up wtih these standards in the first place. What makes small earring or no tattoos, or anything of the sort for that matter, okay and acceptable? Who made these rules? I know that I didn't. So why should I have to follow them? Yeah, I'm not sure either.
I just want to let everyone know out there, that we shouldn't have to put up with things like this in our world. We SHOULD love one another for WHO we are, not WHAT we look like or WHAT we wear in our fucking ears. It just seems wrong to me. And I know there are people out there who will agree to both sides of the argument. But...
My earrings are not affecting my job. They're not a hazard to anyone, and they're not offensive. So...
They can kiss my ass. OR fire me. Either way works for me =]
I'm going to stay strong and fight it. In my eyes, I see it as discrimination. We're not living in the 1940s where everyone had to dress and look alike and anyone who was different was pointed out and laughed at. Honestly Mr. Corporation...let's grow up and see the bigger picture.
And let's stop ridiculing Lacey Mae for her iced out gauges. K, thanks.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Falling out of friendship.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Delete::From Life
Monday, April 19, 2010
Some girls have it all
Monday, April 12, 2010
The weight is over.
Okay, well where to start? I guess I should give you a little background information so this all makes better sense.
From ages born to 8 years old, I was a fricken cute kid. Adorable. Born with black hair, and tons of it, that turned to platinum blonde by the time i was 3 or 4 with the biggest blue eyes. Super cute kid...and then. Well, I developed a unibrow and my hair turned into this dingy blonde color that wasn't very cute. And I was a little chubby. Not morbidly obese or even really overweight. Just chubby. I had and still kind of have, these 'chubby' cheeks. I just wasn't that cute anymore. That stage lasted from 5th grade to ohhh maybe sophomore year of high school. Then I started to get out of puberty somewhat and kind of find myself, well as best I was going to so far. I still had this issue though...I was still a little chubby.I never really had a problem with my weight, or the way I seen myself. I never thought that I was chubby at all, and I was pretty confident with my body. I was always running around outside and doing this sport or in this club. I wasn't just sitting on my ass at home eating ho ho's and playing video games. I was active, and I ate healthy full course meals. (I grew up with my grandparents, who believe in home cooked meals for every meal) I mean, I knew that I wasn't the skinniest person, and I had friends who were skinny. Whatever, it didn't bother me and I learned to brush it off for a while...
I think I first started having weight issues when I got into 8th grade. There was this guy in my class, and not even a guy that I was the slightest bit attracted to, who called me thunder thighs. Now I have bigger thighs and a bigger butt, but by no means are they that deserving of the name, thunder thighs. But that's what he called me. And really for the first time in my life, I started to pay attention to my body. I noticed that I wasn't a 'skinny' girl. That summer I went to the doctor to have a physical because the next year I was going to go out for summer sports in high school. Whatever, no big deal. Well I have my physical and my doctor..who is a 'skinny bitch' tells me that I could stand to lose a few pounds. Ahhem. I was like 13 or 14 years old, probably 5'1" and at that time I weighed 125lbs. But I could lose a few pounds?!?!? By then, it was engraved in my head that I was 'fat'.
So years go by, and I have this thought in my head that I'm a chubby girl, and that if I were skinnier I would be able to date this boy and that boy. And I would be able to wear these clothes and this swimming suit. Ugh, frustrating. I graduate high school weighing I want to say around 145-150lbs. And about a size 10/12. Now I was chubby. After I graduated high school, I wasn't active in sports anymore so gaining weight was very easy. Not to mention my metabolism sucks like no other. I tried dieting and working out ocassionally, but I'm a pretty impatient person. So if something doesnt show result asap, then I quit. I tried starving myself once too..that lasted about two days..and then I realized how utterly ridiculous that was.
So in the summer of 2009 I became vegan. It was just a choice that I decided to make, kind of out of nowhere. It wasn't a way of dieting so much as it was being healthy. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family, and I want no part in that. Vegan, meaning no meat, eggs, milk, dairy, no animal by-products. I honestly ate rice, veggies, fruit and potatoes like no others. I never once starved myself though. I lost 15lbs. In roughly a month and a half. I started working out. Running 2-3 miles anywhere from 2-4 times a week. Lifting weights, and I just started to watch what I ate. I had never felt healthier or happier in my life. But I found that being vegan was really starting to put a strain on my body physically. I took a multivitamin, but I wasn't getting all the nutrients that my body needed, so I decided to become vegetarian instead. Which means I still don't eat meat ...
So there's the background info, here's my ranting and bitching:
I was on the infamous facebook and was chatting with a few friends. On this day in particular I was talking to a guy name Brandon Holsten, with whom I had a relationship with a couple years ago. We actually lived together, but it turned out he was a jerk and a huge momma's boy. Whatever. So him and I were just chatting and all of a sudden he asks me: are you still doing that vegan thing? My response: Well not vegan anymore, but vegetarian still. Him: Ohhhh, I can tell. Me: What do you mean? Him: Well, you've gained wait (he can't spell to save his life). Me: Um. Actually I haven't, still weight the same as I did this summer. Him: Well in your pictures it looks like you have. In the face and stuff. And I'm just being honest and telling you what you're boyfriend wouldnt tell you. When I saw you this summer you were skinny skinny. Me: This is why I broke up with you, youre such an asshole, etc etc.
From there he gets defensive and whatever and I blow up on him. Blah blah. Oh and his ex girlfriend decides to stick her nose into it too. What a joy. "but not in a mean way." Ahhh, okay??? SO..
Every woman and a lot of men are insecure with their bodies. It's a given fact, and it sucks. After Brandon insulted me, I cried. I called my boyfriend who then got pissed that I would let such a jerk ruin my day. He reassured me that I was not fat and that I had not gained weight. But eventhough he had reassured me, I still felt like shit. And I'm still mad at the fact that I let such a loser ruin my day. Brandon is a huge jerk, and I regret ever dating him.
This is why girls have insecurities abou their bodies. Because douche bags like him think that they are hot shit and can give opinions like that. The only person who can judge you, is yourself. And you shouldn't be that hard on yourself about your weight. Hell, everyone struggles with weight every once in a while, or you can be like me. And struggle with it your whole life.
Well I guess I'm not struggling with it persay. It's just something that I have an issue with personally. And that sucks. It was something that was almost put inside my head at a young age, and I'm trying my damnest to get over it. Oh, believe me...trying my absolute hardest.
I've wrote numerous blogs on this whole weight thing. And as much as I would like to say that this will be my last post on this subject, I know it will not be. This is a BIG deal. People die over this kind of thing. Yes, people die over a number on a scale. Whether it be the number is too big, or it's too small. We NEED to get over this subject. We need to move on, and be happy with ourselves. How can we do this? Well I'm going to give you some personal advice that tends to work for me most of the time.
1. I go to my friends or family for support. They would tell me if I was gaining an unhealthy amount of weight and they'd be brutally honest, in the nicest way, about it. Not like some douche bag Brandon who just wants to say I'm fat in the face because he's fat in the head. Ugh.
2. I look at myself in the mirror and DON'T pick out my imperfections, but rather my good qualities. And I make sure that I let myself know that I AM beautiful the way that I am.
3. I remind myself that things in my life, and with my body, could be A LOT worse. And I'm thankful that they're not.
4. Remember that you only live once, and you only have this very ONE body. You should love it for as long as you have it.
5. Why waste your time being self conscious and worried what other people think? You don't know how long you have on this Earth. I know that I don't want to die unhappy and worried about other's opinions continuously.
6. Just imagine how shitty the world would be if everyone were a size fucking 2 with fake tans and blonde hair. How lame would that be? Very.
7. Be happy. And love yourself. Because if you can't love yourself, then no one else can either.
I absolutely promise you on everything that is holy, that you ARE beautiful. Did you know that Marilyn Monroe...you know that gorgeous girl that men wanted and women envied..weight 140 lbs at her heaviest and 125 lbs at her very lightest. She was a size 10 in her days which would now roughly be a size 6 today. She was not anorexic. She was a healthy woman...minus the drugs. But you get my point. Plus size models are taking over the modeling world by storm, and those scary skinnys...well they're becoming scary and very unappealing. What guy wants to date someone who counts calories and exercises 13 times a week? Any guy that does is an absolute moron, and should probably jump off of a bridge now to save us all the trouble.
I want you to be happy with yourself ladies. Even on those days when you feel like you can't go on, and it's just the end of the rope for you. Just remember that I know you're beautiful, I know it. I don't think it. I know it. And I want you to realize that too.
Because curves are beautiful. Every last one of them. <3
Thursday, April 8, 2010
When enough is enough.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Strange how it happens :: Sometimes
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Quick Fixes and Advice
Friday, March 12, 2010
..and I was like OH yesss, I wanna bake cookies on your stomach
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Playing House
Sunday, February 28, 2010
What is jealousy? This is probably one of the easiest words to define and associate with in your life, because everyone feels it at some point. If someone ever tells you that they dont get jealous and whatnot, well then they're a liar and need to be slapped.
No one has it that good. Okay?
I thought it would be interesting to define Jealousy in the eyes of the dictionary. The first definition is from the actual dictionary and the last two are from urbandictionary.com....which is probably a more acurate way to define things nowadays.
>Mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims. vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
>Jealousy doesnt mean that you dont trust someone. its just means that you care a lot. it means you're scared to lose someone or you feel like attention has been drawn away from you.
>The feeling people get when they cant be like you! They wish they had your looks, talent and material possessions but they don't.. so they badmouth you instead to level the playing field. When they do this they usually don't tell the truth about anything either.
I find the last definition to be quite amusing. I guess that tends to be true most of the time though.
I am probably one of the most jealous people you will come across. This is one of my major flaws, but it's not something that I can easily change. It's really not something that anyone can easily change, but rather something you need to learn to deal with. I suppose the best way to talk about jealousy is to give an example of it.
Let's say that you're dating a guy, and you find out that he's been talking to girls...texting, calling, hanging out with, whatever...and he's been 'hiding' it from you. Hiding it from you meaning; whenever you confront him about it he denies it, changes the subject, or does anything he can do to not directly discuss it. And who knows, him talking to other girls could really mean nothing at all, and you're probably just being paranoid. I guess being jealous and being paranoid, kind of go hand in hand. Wow, realization for myself. Anyway...
This scenario has happened to me numerous times. Sometimes the talking and hanging out means nothing at all, but other times it has meant something...and a week later I end up being single because this douche bag decides that this other girl was better than myself. Whatever. Whether it meant something or not, I was jealous. Jealous that I wasn't getting all the attention from my boyfriend. Jealous that I knew some other girl was good enough to catch his attention and take the light away from me. Jealous that I wasn't the only girl he was thinking of..even if it was only a friend kind of thing.
I think we tend to over analyze things when it comes to being jealous over something. Half of the time, nothing is going to happen from your boyfriend talking to another girl. He's with you, right? You're the one who gets to kiss him, hug him, hold him, and whatever him. Not these other chicks. (unless he ends up leaving you for one these other girls, and if that's the case then it wasn't meant to be in the first place) Most of the time you have absolutely nothing to worry about. There are times when you should start to question things though. Let's say you find out that your boyfriend has been talking to his ex lately. Which is okay, a little weird, but sometimes they're still friends and it's okay. But when he starts hiding it, and starts to get defensive when you bring her up, then it's time to get a little jealous/paranoid. Not only that, but then it's time to set some rules and start questioning other things.
With jealousy, comes a lack of trust. In turn, I think that lack of trust causes paranoia. You NEED trust in order to make a relationship work. It's an absolute must, and without trust in your relationship, it will never work. Guaranteed.
Now if you start getting jealous about every little thing that goes on with your dude, like some other girl posting harmless stuff on his Facebook wall, then it's time for a reality check.
Are you really supposed to be with this person if you're going to get jealous over the itty bitty little things? Where's the trust in that? There is NO trust in that. That's when you need to take a step back and deal with things on your own and stop being so freaking paranoid.
Jealousy can mean that you care a lot for someone, yes. But it can also mean that you're literally crazy. Which kind of jealousy are you going to pick?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Cloud 9::More than a Salon
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 11, 2010
5 Great Ideas
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What comes around comes around, again.
- This is a Booty Call
- I am pretty sure he knows that I haven't had sex
- I might want to do this
- I know that I shouldn't
- I know that it'll just be a one time thing
- I think spending Valentine's Day with some dude is a better idea than getting drunk and crying a little.
- He was like, a crazy good kisser.
- I am not sure what to wear.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
After I brought the magazine home and reread the article, I highlighted the 'important' parts that stood out to me. Those parts in this article inspired me to write this blog you are about to read. And I'm dying to buy the actual book and read that for myself.
Now as young females, we tend to think that we are...well, goddesses, for lack of better words..that we are strong, independent, and that nothing can hold us back. And why should we let some guy hold us down and try and 'interfere' with our lives.