Recently I ran into a dilemma. I wanted more money at my current job. Not out of greed, but damn, I do a lot of work. So maybe that's out of greed...I'm not too certain. But still. The dilemma: when/how do you ask for a raise.
As a successful or semi/trying to be-successful woman, I didnt' want to over step my boundaries and ruin my chances of climbing the corporate ladder. I mean, who wants to get shot down and feel like an ass, and then have to deal with that awkward, oh hey, kind of phase with your coworkers/boss.
I dont.
What's a good way to approach this situation?
And of course, depending on where you work and what kind of job you have, the situation will differ.
I think in order to ask for a promotion, you have to deserve one. Being at a job for a month or two and doing semi-alright kind of work, will not count. You don't derserve anything then. BUT! If you've been at your place of employment for I'd say, more than 3 or 4 months, and have a pretty good feel for the place...that's a start. I also think, that you have to had shown really awesome work ethics. Like coming in on your days off and working extra hours. And I think a little butt kissing is okay too. You really have to be on good terms with your upper management, otherwise any of kind of promotion is definitely not going to happen. Now Im not saying you should kiss management's ass and do whatever they say, but you have to be willing to work with them and show leadership skills at the same time.
On a side note. If you're one of those girls who tends to start drama in the workplace, I think you can kiss any kind of promotion in the ass. Because most management doesnt like a bitchy little girl. Just saying =]
So once you feel that you've been doing a pretty rockin' job, at your job, then it's time to ask for that promotion you've wanting!
So, here's what I would do next: Go to upper management, or your supervisor, and ask them what requirements are needed to be promoted. Honestly. You won't come off as being pushy or anything of the sort. By asking what you need to do, they're going to know that you're interested in a promotion and more responsibility. Which will look good on your behalf.
But that way you know what you need to do to excel. Whether it may be, increasing your numbers or doing a little more here or there.
After you're doing hardwork and excelling, going a little above and beyond, then it's time to ask for that promotion! And make sure you're confident and ready to accept it when your approach management about it. Be prepared to take on the extra responsibility that will come with it. Because by getting that raise, comes a more work. Remember that.
Don't be afraid to take risks and ask for more money! I mean, what's the worst that could happen??
You'll get fired. (then you can collect unemployment like the 11% or more of the population)
Good Luck!
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