Friday, February 6, 2009

the pick up

What is the one line that made you fall for the last guy you liked/dated? or what did he say that kept you talking to him? Usually if they say something about my boobs and seem likeable I will keep talking to them. Otherwise I come back with a snotty comment that makes me seem like one tough cookie and they wise up and realize that I could probally kick their ass if I wanted to.
So, how does a girl pick a guy up? I have 3 different approaches, The Normal Way, The Funny Way, and The Dirty Way.
The Normal Way
Buy him a drink. Give him a compliment. Ask him about himself. If he seems cool, swap numbers. Text him when you feel comfortable to.
So the discussion should go like this
You- Is this seat taken?
Him- Nope.
You- Ok, thanks! Hey what are you drinking? It looks good.
You- Great, would you like another on me?
Him- Thanks man, I'm
You- No problem, I'm , Hey
Him- Thanks.
You- So, where are you from? (well that might not be the best, but here in the Dells everyone in on vacay so it kind of goes with the area) or What do you think of this band?
and then you would say....omg, your biceps are huge! kiss me, then he would kiss you! lol.
The Funny Way
So the funny way is all those cheesy pickup lines that you giggled at in high school. ya know...
Is that a mirror in your pants? Becuase I can see myself in them.
Do you wash your pants with windex? Becuase I can see myself in them.
If you were a booger, I'd pick you.
Can I borrow a quarter? (why) so I can call your mom and thank him.
Hello, I am a theif and I am here to steal your heart.
Want to see my stamp collection?
or you can use pretty much anyway that makes you laugh. this is the kind of line to be used on chill guys. not the kind that spike their hair and tan.
The Dirty Way
So, this is when you want a peice of ass, and are willing to seem like a whore to get it.
Wanna see the backseat of my car?
So, I hear you have a penis.
I'm easy. Are you?
Here is 10 bucks, drink until I'm smokin' then come find me.
Excuse me, do you like orally stimulated orgasm?
So, what is your going rate?
I want you. Inside me.
Use all wisely. and always have safe sex. Safe sex is the best sex, you don't wanna have to send that, 'I think I'm late text.', so wear a latex.

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