Thursday, January 29, 2009

I might start believing it.

I don't really think that I am good looking, I know I don't look like a turd, but I don't look like Scarlett Johansson either, and I just don't feel very confident about my looks, but if one more person keep telling me how cute I am, I might start believing it. A women that works at the place I work at, told me that I look adorable, and I remind her of Betty Boop. And I will take that as a major compliment! I feel good about myself, but I just don't believe it when boys say I am cute, becuase I know that there are girls cuter... just a thought xo k

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just Livin' My Life......kinda.

I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL SUMMER!! Life sucks for me lately! I have been so down in the dumps. The excitement in my life has been
  • A cardinal showed up at the birdfeeder
  • Two new stray cats showed up (they are way nice)
  • The cardinal brought his girlfriend
  • I went prom dress shopping. [I was honeslty more just a ride. I felt so used.]
  • A dude that talked to me got a girlfriend
I am not upset about that dude getting a girlfriend...just disappointed in myself. Cause he asked me if I would wanna meet up....a lot, and I always said no. I have this theory that if a guy REALLY likes me, he will go out of his way and come to me. And my better half, aka Lacey, may like the nervousness and butterflies of meeting new people, but not me. I over think EVERYTHING and get so nervous that I want to puke/pass out/kill myself, take your pick! I just feel like a bump on a log and I need to go out and have fun...SOON. It's been almost a month since New Years, aka- Best Night Ever! ahhh, 4 bars, 8 drinks, out until bar time, so many hot boys. xo k

Hot Topic Boy part 1---repost

* I decided to repost this, to go along with the sequel....this specific blog is from January. I wasn't really sure what to write tonight. And since it's been a few days since I've wrote something, I figured I would tell a story about a boy! Go figure. I've got a million and one stories, so why not? Let me set it up for you: I notice this guy one day, and I frequently see him around. Well I think that he is maybe, no quite possibly the most attractive guy that I have ever seen. (my type: dark hair, light eyes, average body, awesome smile, great style) Not only is he the most attractive guy, he seems like he has an amazing personality too. (very outgoing, social, and always smiling whenever i see him) So I'm not a stalker or anything...but...okay maybe I am. I go out of my way to just catch a glimpse at this dude. I go to the place where he works, shopping for nothing in particualr, just to talk to him. Okay..let me remind you that I'm in college and broke, so all the money I spent just to get to talk to him..well idk how I scraped up enough change to do it. But anway... Okay so I go to this store one night, lookin smokin...trying to look smokin at least...with two of my friends. I had planned out what I was going to say and everything. How i was going to approach him and give him my number, tell him he was cool and we should hang out sometime. We get there and I totally freak out. Anxiety, I'm a chicken...whatever. So we're browsing, and he comes up to me to see if I need help....well duh of course i'm going to fake it...i need help. He comments on the smell of my gum, I offer him a piece, blah blah. Kind of a random approach, but amazing still. Long story short, my friend gives him my number for me cause i'm a total dork and freak out. He doesn't text....nothing....til the next day. ha ha. So i'm not usually a patient person. At all. You could probably say I'm the least patient person you know. Yeah. I try sending subtle hints that I think this guy totally rocks. Well like I've said before, guys don't get subtle hints. You have to lay it in front of them. A month or so goes by since I've given this guy my digits. And nothings happening. I'm starting to give up hope. Starting to think that he has a gf already and stuff...which I'm 89% positive he probably did. Anyway... He ends up going to the town that I live in to go to the casino, with a buddy or something. Well I happened to be at this club with my friend that night as well, so I said that we should meet up later. Well they ended up coming to this club, we all had a few drinks, danced our butts off, and hung out. Did a little dirty dancing, ya know, the usual. It was a great night. Lots of fun. I realized I really liked this guy. Maybe a lot. But I didnt know what to do. I didn't wanna seem like a creeper and tell him I liked him. By this time, we'd been talking, oh probably 3 months or so, kinda flirting on and off. Nothing too big. So I asked him to hang out again. We did. It was awesome. He was everything I thought he would be and more. Just a genuinely great guy. But something was off. I still can't quite place it. But. I think we maybe hung out one or two more times after that, and havent since. We text here and there, and that's fine. I see him at this store and we talk, he calls me pretty. =] no biggie. ha ha. I've told him I liked him....when I was drunk lol. And i'm pretty sure that i've made it obvious that I liked him when we hung out. I mean, I think making out and making waffles, constitutes as liking someone, most of the time. Well this was definitely one of those times. So, he just wasn't that into me I guess. I thought he was. But I thought wrong. Guys are very difficult to understand. I kinda gave up on this guy. I pursued him for a long time, and I dont regret it or anything, or think it was a waste of time. I realized that if you like a guy, you should at least try to pursue them. You never know what will happen. But it just baffles me because I know for a fact that he liked me too. I could tell. Oh, and not to mention that he text me last night saying that he missed me making him smile. At two in the am. Sorry to bother you he says. Um, are you kidding me? I love the fact that you miss me. But... Ugh. Either you think I'm cool or you don't. But, a girl can't and shouldn't wait forever. If you like a guy and express that you like him, and he's not man enough to do anything about it, then forget it. He's the kind of guy that will be wishy washy his entire life, and that's not something you wanna deal with. Honestly. So even when you think you may have found your true blue 'prince charming' chances are you haven't. And I don't mean to sound so negative. But you just never know. And you have the rest of your life to find out. I'm moving on. But smiling at the same time. Cause it was great opportunity, and it made me realize I was a lot less shy than I thought. And i absolutely love the adrenaline rush of meeting a new person, so the high was good while it lasted. Just another chapter for the book I suppose. =] <3 L

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do I Have To Spell It Out?!

Mrs. Icka was sitting around one night talking to all her MSN Buddies, and she has a friend that lives in Illinois and he is single and lonely. And she has me, a friend that lives in Wisconsin who is single and bored. And she thought...and then a light buld came on and she said "Kendall should hook up with Matt!" well then she gave me his phone number, and msn add and told me to have fun. Well....He doesn't TALK. And I like to firty talk and such, and last night I sent him a text saying..."Straight Up, I like to dirty text and send naughty pics. You dig?" reply. So I have come to the assumption that he doesn't dig it. And I was like "damn, cuz if he likes Mrs. Icka he would def. like me!" Hello! I Spell it out and every other dude would be like..."HELLZ YEAH!" but not this one. WEIRD! So, I have come to the conclusion that if you have to spell it out, he obvoisly isn't worth the waste of time it took to try and get to your point. xo k

Taylor Swift

I know Taylor Swift is like god to every girl 9-19...but I think she is a little ridiculous. She is what like 19 and has all these songs about getting her heart broken. Well I am 21 and never had a broken heart, so I have come to the conclusion that she gives her heart away WAYYYY to easily. And that can not be good for anyone. And I do not like seeing her in concert. She does this weird thing where she gets all teary eyed and choked up. Well it was ok when I saw her with 500 people in La Crosse, but now 2 years later in front or 23,000 people SHE STILL DOES IT! Um, come on, she knows everyone is like OBSESSED with her!