Saturday, January 9, 2010

Moving On.

Everyone handles this very differently.
For some people moving on is as easy as going to the bar and finding a new vajay or new penis.
But for others it's much more difficult. It takes months upon months of trial and error, to finally get it right. To finally find enough strength to forget that certain somebody. And even then, you may still not be entirely over them.
All is not lost. You can be strong enough. I promise you. I want to help you get over this somebody and move on. Let's think this through logically...because in the all reality, logic is the only answer...
So you're with this person, and for some reason something doesn't go the way it should. Things between you cease to exist, the flare/spark isn't there anymore, or this person just turns out to be a complete douche that you shouldn't have to deal with. Okay. We've came to the conclusion, that it's over. El fin.
There are many different ways to handle a situation like this. And of course it all depends on who did the dumping in the first place..ugh, who came up with this expression, and why do I use it? Dumping...whatev, could sit in your room, hours on end. Sulking about what a bad life you have because you and your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up. You could write a bunch of emo poetry to help you cope. And hell if that's what it takes, do it. But don't do it often.
...Because then you're going to become some recluse who sits in their room all day and writes emo poetry. And NO ONE wants to be that person. No one.
So, lets say you fall into some kind of depression. I hope that you don't. Depression is not cool. Obviously. But honestly, logically.
Everything happens for a reason.
I cannot stress this enough. If you were meant to be with this person for the rest of your life, it would have happened. But for some reason, it didn't. That's that. It's just not meant to be. And you want to know why??
Because you're destined to find someone better. And yes, that someone does exist. Someone who won't treat you horrible. Someone who makes you laugh. Someone who warms your soul. Someone who cares for you, because you're, you.
I know that something like this exists out there. I know it. One of the reasons human beings were put on this earth, was to love one another. Unconditionally. It can happen, I've seen it.
I have yet to experience it. And if you have yet to experience it yourself, then that's okay too.
But you can't experience this kind of love, if you're not open to it. And you can't be open to it, if you're hung up on some ex lover. So move on, and live your life. I promise you won't be sorry.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh, Dennys after 5am Marley's.
Feeling like a million bucks.


You make your own happiness. I've come to learn this. You can either make the best out of your surroundings and the things you have going on in your life, or you can sulk about them.
And if you choose to sulk, chances are that things are only going to get worse for you.
Happiness is easy.
Happiness with a boy is easy. A little harder than happiness in other areas, sometimes, but well worth it once achieved. Yes, it takes a little more work sometimes and maybe even a little patience.
But once you find that someone who makes you laugh continuously and who gives you those amazing butterflies each and every time you kiss, it's so worth the wait. Trust me. I know from experience.
So, don't give up and don't deter from chasing the sort of thing/person you seek to achieve your happiness. Put on your game face and give it a little extra effort. Give it a little more patience and I promise it will be worth the wait and worth the extra effort. I promise.
[But keep in mind, that is has to be some sort of realistic happiness that is attainable.]