Monday, June 15, 2009

The other girl

What do you do when you find yourself in the predicament of being the 'other girl' The 'other girl' meaning that the dude you're hooking up with has a gf, and you're the one on the side. Well if you know that you're the other girl from the get-go, then that's a different story. I was the other girl once, and it made me feel like shit. I mean I know that the guy must not have really liked his current girl if he was willing to cheat on her with me...but still. I felt like poop. I absolutely hate cheaters, and by being the other girl, I was aiding to the cheating. Pretty much making me a cheater too. Not cool ladies. Not cool. You might say to yourself "Well that's his problem not mine." And you are soooo right. It is his problem, but at the same time, you are sooo wrong. I'm just going to be honest with you ladies... This guy has no intention of ever dating you! What he's doing is wrong. He has the best of both worlds...has a girl who likes him in a commitment and a girl on the side who he has no attachments to. Oh, and I doubt that you're the only 'other girl' at the moment. Put yourself in his girlfriends would you feel if you were in her situation? Exactly. You need to get yourself out of that situation ASAP, and run far away from this player douche bag. Ugh. Guys feel some sort of need to get as many girls as possible. I have yet to find out why. But I'm pretty sure they like to feel good about themselves and whatnot...and half the time are compensating for something they don't have or something they're not getting somewhere else. So how do you get out of this situation? Simple. Stop talking to him, OR tell him "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU DOUCHE!" See. Simple. And if you feel like getting even (which I would) I would tell his current girlfriend EVERYTHING. Let's see how much more ass he'll be getting after that. huh. Poor guy. yours always, L

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