Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hmmm so it's been a while since I've been in any kind of a relationship. The last one, didn't go so well, and it's a good thing that it's over. Could I honestly see myself with that person STILL? Definitely not. Ladies: if you cannot picture yourself being with someone that ur in a relationship with, then why are you wasting your time. Precious time you could be using to play the field. And believe it or not, but it's okay and acceptable for ladies to play the field. If guys can do it, then why can't girls. And I would like to inform you that I believe Ladies are better at it then guys. Because we know when to stop. There are a few exceptions for those trashy girls out there, who play the field and have a boyfriends at the same time. You do not want to be like one of those Ladies. I've seen a few like that, and just trust me. Know when to stop. Take chances when they arise. Chances, as in love. It may turn out just to be lust, but you will never know if you never take the chance. Right? Right. So I like a boy. And I'm going to take a chance. I think. Yes I am. The best, absolute best, thing when you first start dating or hanging out with someone, is the feeling and anticipation you get. The butterflies and nervouness. It's my favorite. =] I get these kind of feelings whenever I'm with/around/thinking/talking/laughing with him. Ladies: when you get these butterfly feelings, and you can't think, can't speak, don't know how to react or what to do around a specific guy, chances are that you like him. Right? So take the chance. And if things don't work out. Then whatev. Life goes on. You'll move on, and I'm sure he will too. But you'll never know unless you try. So....if there is a specific person in your life right now that you think you wanna be with, and you get all crazy ga ga when ur around them, then take that chance.

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